Taiwan is located at the boundary between tropical and sub-tropical climates. In the central and south parts of Taiwan, the weather in autumn and winter is usually cool and dry which is suitable for vegetable seeds collecting. Cauliflower (Brassica oleracea L. var. botrytis)seeds, as one of the staples, are sufficient to saticfy internal demand and
even to be exported, with potential business opportunities. Early-mature and cultivar with heat-tolerant character are advantages of Taiwan cauliflower, but to develop the exploitation of late-matured and extreme late-matured cultivars is indispensable in order to seeking for plentiful breeding resources. This study focuses on the curd induction character of cultivars with different growth period, which was carried by giving vernalization and light quality treatment to plants during the cultivation period, hoping to further the basic physiological research data of cauliflower in Taiwan.
Raising seedlings in relatively higher inducing temperature 21/15 oC, early-mature F1‘CF520’ continually entered reproductive growth phase with three true leaves unfolded. And later ‘CF520’ had “buttoning” phenomenon, with no value to be transplanted. However, increasing the temperature to 21/21 oC or 25/21 oC made seedlings maintained at vegetative state when the 5th true leaf unfolded; thus, the timing of transplanting ‘CF520’ is recommend to when the 3rd leaf unfolds. In 21/15 oC growth chamber of raising period, medium-mature F1 ‘CF17501’ maintained at vegetative state when the 5th leaf unfolded. Transplanted in winter, Taipe, they could produce intact curds, and the floral induction, flowering and seed setting all went well. The juvenility of ‘CF17501’ ended up before the 13th leaves unfolded, and the shoot apical meristem(SAM) entered phase transition when the base of shoot apex grew to 6-7 mm in width.
At the same raising and cultivation environment, the late-mature op ‘CF120’ could entered curd initiation phase; however, curds later all turned into vegetative growth with “leafy” appearance because of devernalization, losing values and not flowered at the end. This phenomenon means there was enough environmental chilling for curd induction of ‘CF120’, but not enough further. The juvenility of ‘CF120’ ended up before the 16th leaves unfolded, and the SAM entered phase transition when the base of shoot apex grew to 7.05-9.78 mm in width. Many characters beween samples were quite different probably because of OP cultivar.
The time from being transplanted to curd initiation of cauliflower was quite different due to cultivars, and also affected by temperature during cultivation, vernalization treatment and light quality. In 21/15 oC growing temperature, early-mature ‘CF520’ had no vernalization requirement; vernalization treatment could obviously shorten the time from being transplanted to curd initiation of ‘CF17501’, but high-ratio redlight(HR) did not affect it distinctly. Vernalization and HR all could shorten the time from being transplanted to curd initiation of ‘CF120’. When raising the temperature to 25/15 oC, vernalization or HR had the shortening effect for ‘CF17501’, and there was interaction between vernalization and light quality. For ‘CF120’, vernalization and HR all had obvious shortening effect, and plants under LR without vernalization treatment could not enter reproductive growth.
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