


The Meaning of Work and Intention to Stay of Employees that Transferred from Profit Organizations to Non-profit Organizations






非營利組織 ; 留任 ; 工作意義感形塑 ; 質性研究 ; Non-Profit Organization ; retention ; the meaning of work shaping ; qualitative research














Non-profit organizations, when compared to general profit organizations, generally lack resources and would seemed less attractive for high talent employees. Thus, the retention of valuable employees posses as an important issue to Non-profit organizations. However, previous studies had rarely focused on the retention effect of meaning of work and the shaping process of meaning of work is even less discussed. To resolve this issue, qualitative research methods was used in this study, specifically, semi-structured interview were used as tools for data collection. 10 employees of Non-Profit Organizations who had previous working experiences in general profit organizations were recruited for this study. The findings suggested that the shaping of meaning of work is through four stages:”exploration: positive self-feeling”, “shaping: self-practice”, “intensify: self-improvement”, “sublimation: self-transcendence”. The advancement through the stages is affected by personal and environmental factors such as the encouragement of organizations for employees to participate in frontline service activities, employees’ belief, feedback, and friendly organizational environment. If employees can advance through the stages then they can satisfy their needs of pursuing goals, and fulfilling goals. It can further enhance the employees’ self-efficacy, self-worth, and self-value. Lastly, if the organizations can satisfy the employees need to have a meaning of life, their retention rate would be enhanced. Contributions, implications, limits and future directions are discussed.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 醫藥總論
理學院 > 心理學系
社會科學 > 心理學
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