


A Corpus-based Study of Translators’ Styles: George Kao’s and Miranda Peng Wang’s Chinese Translations of The Great Gatsby






大亨小傳 ; 語料庫分析工具 ; 語料庫處理工具 ; 平行語料 ; 參考語料 ; 譯者風格 ; 譯者聲音 ; The Great Gatsby ; corpus analysis tools ; corpus processing tools ; parallel corpus ; reference corpus ; translator’s style ; translator’s voice


臺灣大學翻譯碩士學位學程 學位論文










本文以語料庫為基礎,結合量化和質性分析方法探討喬志高與汪芃所譯之《大亨小傳》。1954年至今,台灣已有超過17本中譯本,每一本中譯本都各有其特色和風格。過去,大多數翻譯研究著重於探討譯者翻譯所使用的策略,鮮少將譯本視為獨立創作單單研究譯本。因此,筆者使用量化方法佐以質性方法,研究兩位譯者翻譯時所展現之語言風格。 語料庫方法和工具尚未受到廣泛運用時,多數研究者採用質性方法分析譯本。然而,隨著語料庫分析工具日新月異,除了質性研究,研究者更可以使用各類量化方法分析譯本。本文使用語料庫方法,以喬志高與汪芃《大亨小傳》譯本為例,建立平行語料庫,使用語料庫處理和分析工具 Anymalign、LF Aligner、ICTCLAS 2016、AntConc、Microsoft Excel、Chinese Readability Index Explorer 以及 CUC_ParaConc,計算兩譯本之詞彙密度(lexical density)、相異詞比例(type-token ratio)與平均句長,並使用兩譯本詞彙表互為參考語料,找出關鍵詞彙,進一步分析兩譯者用詞風格之異同。 筆者希望透過語料庫方法之量化分析與質性分析相輔相成,以更完整、更客觀的方法分析翻譯文本,探究譯者風格。


The present research proposes a corpus-based study of translator’s style, comparing George Kao (Kao Ke-Yi) and Miranda Peng Wang’s Chinese translations of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby. The Great Gatsby has been translated into more than 17 Chinese versions in Taiwan and some of them show profound differences in terms of “style”. The majority of previous studies lay more emphasis on the strategies translators use when translating rather than investigate translation itself as an independent creation. The author of this research hopes to delve into translator’s style through several quantitative measurements. In the past, when corpus techniques and tools have not yet been widely adopted by researchers, qualitative methods are employed. Nowadays, quantitative approaches are available thanks to corpus tools. This study compares Kao’s and Wang’s translations using corpus techniques by compiling a parallel corpus and employing corpus processing and corpus analysis tools. A series of tools, Anymalign, LF Aligner, ICTCLAS 2016, AntConc, Microsoft Excel, Chinese Readability Index Explorer, and CUC_ParaConc, are utilized to measure lexical density, type-token ratio, and average sentence length of each translation. Furthermore, two translations are used as reference corpus for each other to generate keyword lists, which demonstrate the two translators’ styles. This study provides a comprehensive and objective approach to analyze translated texts. It introduces corpus-based methods to address the issue of translator’s style in a way that is otherwise difficult to obtain.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
文學院 > 翻譯碩士學位學程
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