


Technical Efficiency of Financial Service Industry in Taiwan—Influence of Digital Applications






技術效率 ; 隨機邊界模型 ; 金融服務業 ; 數位化營運 ; 電子商務 ; Technical Efficiency ; Stochastic Frontier Analysis ; Financial Industry ; Digitization ; E-business












本文透過行政院主計處2006及2011年工商及服務業普查資料為研究樣本,以台灣金融服務業為研究對象,運用隨機邊界模型估計其技術效率,並探討數位化營運對金融服務業技術效率的影響,驗證金融服務業在數位浪潮趨勢下,數位化營運對提升金融服務業技術效率是否重要。實證結果發現:(1) 2006年與2011年金融服務業平均技術效率分別為0.463與0.505,歷經五年發展,產業技術效率提升4.2%,但產出過程仍有改善空間;子業別以保險業平均技術效率最高,證券期貨業次之,金融中介業最低。(2)金融中介業、保險業及證券期貨業均呈現規模報酬遞增現象,平均規模報酬彈性介於1.23至1.44間,意即各子產業增加要素投入均有助產出提升。(3)數位應用以使用電腦設備與網路提供營業資訊對技術效率有顯著正向關係;電子商務的應用如上網採購與銷售對技術效率影響顯著性較低,然而電子商務交易金額則對技術效率有顯著正向影響,實證結果仍顯示高度使用網路環境確實能提升企業經營效益。


This thesis studies the impacts of digital applications on technical efficiency, which is estimated through stochastic frontier production function, using a cross sectional dataset of Taiwan’s financial industries in 2006 and 2011. Our purpose is verifying digital applications whether are important factors in improving technical efficiency in the trend of Internet. At first, our empirical results show that certain inefficiency exist in Taiwan’s financial industries. The technical efficiency went from 0.463 in 2006 to 0.505 in 2011;moreover, the ranking of estimators is insurance, securities and futures industry, and financial intermediary industry. Second, these financial industries are increasing returns to scale, distributed from 1.23 to 1.44. In other words, increasing factor inputs will raise output. Finally, it improves operational efficiency when firm is high degree of digitization, especially using of computer equipment and providing business information on internet are significant positive relationship with technical efficiency. For E-business, the degree of influence applications such as B2B and B2C are lower, but the amount of transactions is significant positive influence on technical efficiency.

主题分类 社會科學院 > 經濟學系
社會科學 > 經濟學
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