The United Nations World Health Organization (WHO) at the Budapest Water Summit in 2016 warned that water is the most endangered resource. Without proper quantity and quality of water, there is no adequate food, industrial development and sustainable urbanization. The water is the guarantee of peace and security. By the year 2030, 47 per cent of the world's population will live in heavily water-scarce areas. Most of the population will grow in developing countries. That will focus on water shortages and not be able to fully enjoy safe drinking water and adequate area of sanitation. Therefore, we must to collect the world's best solutions and to encourage new innovative solutions.
With this motive, this study would like to look for alternative water resources and found that the deep ocean water industry. Deep ocean water is the implementation of great business opportunities. Based on the literature, this paper collects and studies the relevant literature and materials, including six forces analysis, value-net model, competitive advantage and key success factors to analyze the industry and research. Then based on the United States, Japan, Taiwan and Korea have developed experience of the ocean resources and compared of the deep ocean water generation industry in each country. To research of the key success factors for the development of deep ocean water park in Canada.
According to the study, it is concluded that Canada has developed the key success of deep ocean water, which have excellent national image, the environment pollution less, aquatic quality is good, the great output value and close to big market. It is more conducive to the extension of market size. Canadian’s government have clearly policy, pointed out that the development of biotechnology, attention to health care, energy, tourism brought about by the business opportunities, in addition to the Government's tax concessions and incentives to help the development of deep ocean water to reduce development costs and increase the industrial scale and Success rate.
According to the results of the study, it is found that the success of the deep ocean water industry. The natural environment is the first factor and to combine the government, industry and academic research together to promote as a kinetic energy. The vertical and horizontal industry chain of Deep ocean water must to be developed at the same time, that would make Synergies. Global enterprises are work friendly and allied together. The same industry, cross-border alliance is a global marketing mode, can make the overall industry progress.
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2.大家之Good Partner,如何利用價值網(Value Net)修正模型分析商圈產業競合2016 http://www.goodpartner.idv.tw/?p=1172