


Irrigation Practices for Improving Water Use Efficiency of Vegetable Crops






節水農業 ; 水分利用效率 ; 調缺灌溉 ; 部分根區灌溉 ; W.E.F方案 ; Water saving agriculture ; water use efficiency ; partial root-zone drying irrigation ; regulated deficit irrigation ; W.E.F nexus












隨著世界人口數及極端氣候事件發生頻率增加,世界面臨糧食不足及水資源短缺的危機,農業耗水量佔世界用水量約70%,同時又在糧食生產上占重要的角色。傳統的農業灌溉方式使土壤養分經由淋洗作用而流失,同時消耗許多淡水用於灌溉;作物在適合的環境搭配節水灌溉方式下生長,可以減少水分的使用並保有產量,進而提升作物水分利用效率。本研究擬探討蔬菜作物生長於不同日夜溫環境及使用不同節水灌溉方式進行栽培的水分利用效率(Water use efficiency, WUE),期能提供節水農業之有用參考。 作物水分利用效率(WUEyield)方面,非洲及亞洲在各作物生產的水分利用效率皆較歐洲地區低;玉米水分利用效率以歐洲地區為最高,其次為美洲,接著為非洲,最差的亞洲;小麥以歐洲最高,其後依序為美洲、非洲及亞洲。部分根區灌溉 (Partial root-zone drying irrigation, PRD)及調缺灌溉(Regulated deficit irrigation, RDI) 可以有效提升作物水分利用效率,於地中海型氣候區生產玉米及鮮食用葡萄分別以RDI75~50、PRD50及PRD30~50具有最高的水分利用效率,於大陸型氣候生產高粱及棉花分別以RDI100、RDI75及RDI100;於半乾旱區栽培梨樹以PRD50;以PRD70於溫帶地區生產馬鈴薯具有最高的水分利用效率。於溫室內栽培甘藍以RDI50~70;辣椒以到達田間容水量65%再行PRD;萵苣以RDI0;番茄以PRD50具有較高的水分利用效率。 作物種植於適當的氣候及栽培管理的應用可以最大化作物的水分利用效率,光合作用C3及C4型作物對於環境溫度及水分需求有所差異,為了解不同生長環境對其影響進而達到栽培節水目的,以光合作用C3型作物菾菜(Beta vulgaris L.)、不結球萵苣‘脆美’ (Lactuca sativa L.)及光合作用C4型作物落葵(Basella alba L.)為材料,栽培於日夜溫30℃/25℃、25℃/20℃及20℃/15℃環境下四週,結果顯示: C4型作物落葵(Basella alba L.)在三種作物中需水量最少,在日夜溫30℃/25℃的葉片水利用效率(WUEi)、經濟產量水分利用效率(WUEyield)及總生物量水分利用效率 (WUEbiomass)皆最高,C3型作物菾菜(Beta vulgaris L.)及不結球萵苣‘脆美’ (Lactuca sativa L.)在日夜溫25℃/20℃及20℃/15℃的環境下具有較高的WUEi、WUEyield及WUEbiomass。由此可見,光合作用C4型作物在高溫環境下的水分利用效率較C3型作物高,但在中低溫環境下則較低。 為了解及證實調缺灌溉及部分根區灌溉可節省灌溉水使用,及各作物最適處理程度,以正常灌溉量的100%、70%、50%及30%進行玉米‘美珍’(Zea mays ‘Meichen’)、玉米‘華珍’ (Zea mays ‘Huachen’)、本島不結球型萵苣(Lactuca sativa L. sacriola L. var. sativa Bisch)、福山半結球型萵苣(Lactuca sativa L. var. capitata L.)及虎耳大葉種茼蒿(Glebionis coronaria)的RDI,另一部份進行以上五種作物的PRD,結果顯示:玉米‘美珍’及‘華珍’分別以70% RDI及30% RDI可以有效提升作物水分利用效率,並維持產量;圓葉萵苣及半結球萵苣以50% RDI處理可以有最高的產量及較高的水分利用效率;虎耳大葉種茼蒿的產量隨灌溉量減少而降低,70% RDI處理較符合維持產量及提升水分利用效率的目的。玉米‘美珍’及玉米‘華珍’以PRD70具有較高的產量及水分利用效率,圓葉萵苣、半結球萵苣及虎耳大葉種茼蒿皆以PRD30灌溉量具有較高的作物經濟產量水分利用效率(WUEyield),然其產量無法維持。調缺灌溉可以在維持產量的前提下達到減少灌溉水的目的,然而部分根區灌溉使經濟產量降低。


The world faces the food and water crisis due to the increase of world population and the frequency of extreme weather happened. Agriculture plays a vital role in food production whereas agricultural irrigation water occupied 70% of world water usage. Large amount of water and nutrient would lost through leaching in the conventional agricultural irrigation practices. Crops plant with suitable environment and saving water irrigation practices could not only maintain production, or even increase productions in some crops, but also increase production quality. This study aimed to investigate the water use efficiency of vegetable crops that grow under different environments or irrigation practices. The climate and water resources are different between areas in the world. How to use water efficiently become important nowadays. The climate in Europe is more suitable for maize and wheat than other continents, therefore, Europe had the highest maize wheat water use efficiency. Moreover, applying partial root-zone drying irrigation (PRD) and regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) could higher the crop water use efficiency. Applying RDI75~50 or PRD50 on maize; PRD50 on pear; RDI100 and PRD75 on sorghum; PRD70 on potato; RDI100 on cotton; RDI50~70 on cabbage; PRD100 after reaching 65% full field capacity on hot pepper; RDI0 on lettuce; and PRD50 on tomato achieved the highest water use efficiency. Beta vulgaris L., Basella alba L. and Lactuca sativa L. grew under day/night temperature 30℃/25℃, 25℃/20℃ and 20℃/15℃ for 4 weeks. The results showed that there was no significant effect of crops late stage growing between different temperature treatments. Basella alba L. which is a C4 plant consumed the least water among three experimental crops. Moreover, it reached the highest WUEi, WUEyield and WUEbiomass under 30℃/25℃ environment. Beta vulgaris L. and Lactuca sativa L., which are C3 plants, had higher WUEi, WUEyield and WUEbiomass under 25℃/20℃ and 20℃/15℃ environment. C4 plants could achieve the higher water use efficiency under warm surroundings. Applying regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) practice with 100%, 70%, 50% and 30% irrigation amounts on Zea mays ‘Meichen’, Zea mays ‘Huachen’, Lactuca sativa L. sacriola L. var. sativa Bisch, Lactuca sativa L. var. capitata L. and Glebionis coronaria. The results showed that Zea mays ‘Meichen’ and Zea mays ‘Huachen’ reached the highest water use efficienct under RDI70 and PRD30 treatments respectively. Both of Lactuca sativa L. sacriola L. var. sativa Bisch and Lactuca sativa L. var. capitata L. reached the highest water use efficiency under RDI50 treatments. There was no significant difference between all of RDI treatments that was applied on Glebionis coronaria. Applying partial root-zone irrigation (PRD) practice with 100%, 70%, 50% and 30% irrigation amounts on Zea mays ‘Meichen’, Zea mays ‘Huachen’, Lactuca sativa L. sacriola L. var. sativa Bisch, Lactuca sativa L. var. capitata L. and Glebionis coronaria had the similar results as RDI treatments. Applying either RDI or PRD could higher crops water use efficiency.

主题分类 生物資源暨農學院 > 園藝暨景觀學系
生物農學 > 農業
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