The main content of this thesis around open cavity, open cavity can effectively extract out the EM field which is caused by electron beam. Open cavity is commonly used in gyromonotron oscillator and gyroklystron amplifier. Open cavity gain energy during the electron beam pass the cavity. Because the open cavity doesn’t have obvious bound, we don’t have analytical solution most of the time. We can only use program to have data and analysis it to understand its physical meaning.
In this thesis we will introduce the model and theory of time-domain and spectral-domain. In time-domain, I discuss how variables affect the Quality factor and resonant frequency. In spectral-domain, I introduce 3 methods to measure the Quality factor. And I compare the difference between Quality factor in time-domain and spectral-domain.
Besides, we also add a mismatch load to observe how it affect Quality factor and resonant frequency.
Finally, I will simulate a new structure of open cavity. And give it a reasonable explanation.
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