
關鍵客戶管理 - 關係生命週期觀點


Key Account Management - The Perspective of Relationship Life Cycle






關鍵客戶管理 ; 客戶生命週期 ; 關係行銷 ; 中小企業 ; Key account management ; Relationship life cycle ; Relationship marketing ; Small and medium enterprise














This research tries to discuss the differences in managing foreign key account between Taiwan small and medium enterprise (SME). Base on the buyer’s / seller’s motivational investment in relationship, we can divide into areas as seller’s market、 buyer’s market、 bilateral relationship maintenance、 buyer-maintained relation and seller-maintained relation. This research choose two Taiwan SME to compare the differences in key account management (KAM) and its relationship life cycle. The research found that the relationship life cycle will be affected by different kind of industrial situations, leadership and industrial structures. Then it also affect the way suppliers manage their key accounts. This research build up a new framework which can be utilized in various industry by analyzing the process of successful key accounts and disengaged customers.

主题分类 管理學院 > 國際企業學系
社會科學 > 管理學
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