


Mechanics of rotation-induced shear on blood clot under suction






血塊 ; 接觸力學 ; 破壞 ; 吸 ; Blood clot ; contact mechanics ; fracture ; suction












顱內出血是一個腦內出血導致壓力快速上升而傷害腦部造成傷害甚至死亡的嚴重疾病。常見兩種治療方式,一種是藥物治療,另一種是用微創手術將內部出血排除。藥物治療需要專業的藥劑師控管劑量,而且只有符合要求的病患才可以使用。而在微創手術中,治療的速度很重要。但是微創手術排除出血時使用的管子很小,而出血中已經形成非常多血塊,容易造成管道阻塞,目前若是血塊阻塞管道則會需要取出管子排除之後再重新插入繼續,造成寶貴時間的浪費。減少血塊阻塞在管頭可以帶來很大的幫助。 根據觀察,血塊在管內的阻塞可以依靠使用比較低磨擦力的管材料來減少,而管口會有許多血塊卡住。目前現有的解決阻塞辦法多是結合藥物或是電動機械來對應,但是藥物有副作用,電動機械可能造成風險,所以純機械的解決方法可能會比較能更被接受。在想出純機械的設計之前,了解血塊在管口的力學可以幫助更了解這個問題。除了吸力帶來的影響,因為軟材料受到拉伸應力時相較壓縮應力來說更容易破壞,如果管口可以產生旋轉造成剪應力則可能可以減少阻塞。 血塊受管壓與吸力時,產生裂痕的關鍵在於表面所受之應力,這裡使用傳統破壞力學中的penny-shaped-crack與3-D punch 的模型結合有限元素分析找出單純吸力時的應力場,再結合參考Reissner-Sagoci與punch 模型所推得的剪力場,得出表面所受之應力場,再跟有限元素模擬之結果比較對應。其中應力場形狀雖同但是量值不同,透過模擬所求得知應力強度應子曲線近似出根據管口與管壁厚度之修正係數。 實驗第一部分透過自行設計的血塊之拉伸試驗驗證血塊之材料彈性係數,並且利用此架構測量粘彈性質。第二部分是比較一般管,銳利薄壁管口與旋轉之管口在以壓力吸除血塊時候之差異,使用洋菜凍模擬血塊,並透過三種管口與限定壓力之下之比較,實驗結果可以得到旋轉產生之剪應力可以降低使血塊順利吸除之需求壓力。 此論文中結合舊有簡單之彈性模型與有限元素法來求得血塊受管吸之應力場分佈,並且設計一個新的可以應用在非常軟且易破壞之材料之拉伸試驗,並且透過實際以旋轉與非旋轉管口比較測試差益證明旋轉產生之剪應力可以降低使血塊順利吸除之需求壓力。


Intracerebral hemorrhage is also known as cerebral bleed. Rapid increase pressure can cause unconsciousness or death. Victims of intracerebral hemorrhage are suggested to receive medical treatment immediately. One of the common treatment is thrombolysis using medicine. However, certain criterion should be met by the patients and side effects could be caused by the medicine. While performing minimal invasive surgery, the blood clot in the head can clog the aspiration tube. This requires surgeon to take to the tube and clean it. This process wastes the precious time. A solution to this problem can save lots of people. Based on observation, the clog inside the tube can be avoided by choosing low friction tube and most clots clog at the tip. Most of current solutions are combining medicine or electrical-driven component. The mechanical solution and the mechanism are worth investigating because drugs could have side effects and electric driven mechanism may have risk of electricity leaking. Further analysis of the mechanism between suction tube and blood clot is needed. The stress components on the contact surface of blood clot are important for crack initiation. Traditional penny shaped crack model and 3-D punch is investigated. From Reissner-Sagoci and punch problem, the shear stress on the surface can be derived. Combining the traditional models and finite element analysis of stress intensity factor, the stress field of pure suction and suction with rotational tip can be approximated by proposed equation. Specially designed experiments were conducted to measure the blood clot elastic modulus by tensile test and viscus modulus by relaxation test. A suction test is studied to compare a normal tip, a sharp thin edge tip and a rotational sharp thin tip by aspirate agar blocks which simulate blood clots. The result is that with a rotational tip, the pressure required to clean the clots can be reduced. This study combines several traditional model and finite element results of stress intensity factor to approximate the stress field of a blood clot under rotating suction tip. A dedicated experiment for soft materials are done to measure the material constant of blood clot. Then, a rotating suction tip is proved to be more effective than the normal tip by reducing the pressure requirement.

主题分类 工學院 > 機械工程學系
工程學 > 機械工程
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