题名 |
奈米銀濾材處理生物氣膠之研究 |
并列篇名 |
Germicidal Effects of Nano Silver Filter on Bioaerosols |
10.6342/NTU.2006.01962 |
作者 |
曾國瑋 |
关键词 |
生物氣膠 ; 奈米銀濾材 ; 過濾 ; 殺菌 ; bioaerosol ; nano silver filter ; filtration ; germicidal |
期刊名称 |
臺灣大學環境工程學研究所學位論文 |
卷期/出版年月 |
2006年 |
学位类别 |
碩士 |
导师 |
李慧梅 |
内容语文 |
繁體中文 |
中文摘要 |
本研究綜合探討奈米銀濾材對生物氣膠之過濾及抑菌效能。研究中以氣膠產生器霧化菌液產生生物氣膠,在濾材載負不同時間後遂以震盪方式將微生物自濾材洗下,進而評估濾材之去除效能。實驗之微生物物種包含大腸桿菌(E. coli)、枯草桿菌(B. subtilis)、酵母菌(C. famata)、青黴菌(P. citrinum),實驗變因包含濾材種類(奈米銀濾材、紡綿不織布)、載負時間(5-90分鐘)、相對溼度(30、50、70%)、衰減時間(0-180分鐘)等。過濾實驗結果顯示,相對溼度50%下奈米銀濾材對E. coli、B. subtilis、C. famata、P. citrinum氣膠之過濾效率分別為38.6、29.9、41.8、49.8%,增濕將使E. coli和C. famata過濾效率提高,B. subtilis和P. citrinum過濾效率降低。載負實驗將各濾材載負不同時間後洗下,探討各氣膠於兩類濾材上之載負特性及回收率,結果顯示,各類生物氣膠於不織布上均為線性載負,E. coli和C. famata於奈米銀濾材上為曲線載負,改變相對溼度條件則對非孢子型態之E. coli和C. famata之載負影響較大。回收率結果顯示,E. coli和C. famata之回收率較B. subtilis和P. citrinum高,且各菌種之不織布回收率穩定,奈米銀濾材則隨菌種而異,E. coli回收率隨載負時間增加而上升,B. subtilis、C. famata、P. citrinum則較為穩定。由回收率推算奈米銀之殺菌效率結果顯示,且奈米銀對各氣膠殺菌能力順序為E. coli >C. famata >B. subtilis >P. citrinum,E. coli、B. subtilis、C. famata三菌種於相對溼度70%下之殺菌效率,均有隨載負時間增加而下降之趨勢,此外,相對溼度30和50%下,奈米銀對E. coli氣膠殺菌效率高達99%。綜合探討奈米銀濾材過濾效率和總殺菌效率,發現奈米銀濾材對於非孢子型態之E. coli和C. famata氣膠於高相對濕度下對室內環境有較佳之控制效能,反之,孢子型態之B. subtilis和P. citrinum氣膠則於低相對溼度下較佳。衰減實驗將各載負30分鐘之濾材置於相對濕度50%之測試箱中進行實驗,結果顯示B. subtilis和P. citrinum氣膠衰減不明顯,E. coli和C. famata氣膠則於60分鐘內即有大量之衰減,表示奈米銀濾材應用於E. coli和C. famata氣膠時,不需擔心微生物殘留於濾材之問題。 |
英文摘要 |
The study evaluates filtration efficiency and germicidal effects of nano silver filter on bioaerosols. The experiment used a Collison nebulizer was used to generate Escherichia coli (E. coli), Bacillus. Subtilis (B. subtilis), endospores, yeast cells of Candida famata (C. famata) var. flareri, and spores of Penicillum citrinum (P. citrinum) and in the experimental system. After loading process, the bioaerosols were washed out of the test filter and then cultivated for counting. The experimental factors are microorganism species, relative humidity (30, 50, 70%), loading time (5-90 min), decay time (0-180 min) and type of filter (nonwoven filter and Ag-coated filter). The experimental data revealed that filtration efficiency with nano silver filter of bioaerosols of E. coli, B. subtilis, C. famata, and P. citrinum at relative humidity of 50% were around 38.6, 29.9, 41.8, and 49.8% respectively. The germicidal effect of nano silver is E. coli > C. famata > B. subtilis > P. citrinum. The germicidal effect of E. coli is excellent (99%) when relative humidity is below 50 percent. Moreover, the nano silver filter has the better removal and germicidal efficiency in the high relative humidity (70%) for non-spore bioaerosols (E. coli and C. famata) than spore bioa erosols. The decay test showed that the survival rate decreased significant when E. coli and C. famata bioaerosols were intercepted on nano silver filter. In other words, we don’t need to worry that bioaerosols’ survival on nano silver filter. |
主题分类 |
工學院 >
環境工程學研究所 工程學 > 土木與建築工程 |
被引用次数 |