


SMART Survival Metadata Analysis Responsive Tool






存活分析 ; 元數據 ; ETL ; 人口統計分析 ; Kaplan-Meier ; Cox比例風險模型 ; Survival Analysis ; Metadata ; ETL ; Demographic ; Kaplan-Meier ; Cox proportional hazard model












研究背景: 癌症研究中最關注的問題,就是病患的存活率以及接受治療後無復發的週期,而能夠依照時間與事件發生的分析方式,正是此類問題最好的分析方法,其中存活分析便是研究人員日常使用的方法;但是統計軟體高額的花費與困難的學習曲線,使得存活分析有著相當高的進入門檻。而智慧存活分析響應系統(SMART)將突破這些限制,以自由軟體的形式提供使用者協助,幫助研究人員進行存活分析。 研究方法與主要貢獻: SMART是一個基於R-Shiny的網頁應用程式。SMART以使用者友善的方式處理Hospital Information System數據。它為研究人員提供元數據Extract-Transform-Load (ETL) 工具,並幫助他們進行人口統計分析,Kaplan-Meier生存分析,原始HIS數據集的Cox比例風險比分析,幫助用於比較兩組或多組之間的生存數據的假設檢驗。SMART還能自動生成所有比較表和圖片,讓研究人員可以直接應用於期刊發表上。 結論: SMART是一個開源軟體,用於抽取臨床研究數據,完善研究模型,並進行世代研究和隨機對照試驗研究的生存分析。


Background: The survival rate and progression free duration are the most important measurements for cancer therapy research. The time to event analysis, said survival analysis, is a key method for such kind of study. Therefore, survival analysis is massively used in clinical and epidemiological follow-up studies. However, disadvantages are there, such as difficulty on managing survival analysis procedures and high expense of professional statistical software. To break those limitations, this innovative Survival Metadata Analysis Responsive Tool (SMART) system is a free web application with assisted steps for performing survival analysis. Methodology/Principal Findings: SMART is an R-Shiny based web application which can handle novel survival analysis from HIS data in a user-friendly manner. It provides Metadata ETL tools for researchers and helps them perform demographic analysis, Kaplan-Meier survival analysis, Cox proportional hazard ratio analysis by simply inputting the original HIS datasets. SMART automatically generates comparison tables and figures which are of SCI journal publication-ready format. Conclusions/Significance: SMART is a public domain software of easy management on clinical research data, refining research models, and performing survival analysis of cohort and randomized controlled trial (RCT) research.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
電機資訊學院 > 資訊工程學系
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