


Exploring self-disclosure of Facebook users by privacy calculus theory: friendlist richness as an antecedent






臉書 ; 自我揭露 ; 社交隱私疑慮 ; 知覺娛樂 ; 好友名單豐富度 ; Facebook ; self-disclosure ; social privacy concern ; perceived playfulness ; friendlist richness












近年來,臉書(Facebook)變得越來越普及,使用人數不斷成長,且滲透到社 會上各個年齡層,使用者的好友名單也因此變得更加龐大且複雜。這樣的情況, 對於臉書來說或許是個福音,因為其代表著使用者能在平台上與更多朋友聯繫感 情,進而獲得更大的使用利益。但於此同時,統計資料卻顯示臉書使用者分享 「原生貼文」的數量正持續下降,代表著使用者越來越不願意在臉書上自我揭 露。這樣矛盾的現象為何會發生?有報導指出是因為好友人數太多所造成的隱私 問題導致,引起了本文研究者的興趣。 本文以隱私計算理論為研究架構,探討好友名單豐富度如何影響自我揭露時 的利益與成本-知覺娛樂與社交隱私疑慮,並加入角色衝突知覺以及觀眾區隔行 為作為中介變項,綜合探討這些變數對於自我揭露程度的影響。 研究資料以網路發放問卷的方式蒐集(N=351),並透過路徑分析衡量模型的 假設。結果顯示,好友名單豐富度不會影響知覺娛樂,但會顯著增加角色衝突知 覺,並部分經由角色衝突知覺的中介來影響社交隱私疑慮;而社交隱私疑慮會顯 著增加觀眾區隔行為,並完全中介角色衝突與觀眾區隔行為間的關係;最後,社 交隱私疑慮、知覺娛樂分別能以負向、正向的方式顯著影響自我揭露程度,但觀 眾區隔行為並不能夠顯著影響自我揭露程度。奠基於這些研究發現,本文針對理 論以及實務上的意涵進行討論,並提供未來研究方向的建議。


In recent years, Facebook is getting more and more popular, with sustained growth of users and penetration into every age group, friend list of users also become larger and more diversified. This situation may be a good news for Facebook because which means users can connect to more friends so as to gain larger benefit on the platform, but at the same time, statistics showed that the amount of “original posts” has been continuing to decline, which meant that users has been becoming more and more reluctant to disclosure themselves on Facebook. Why would that contradiction happen? A report suggested that it is because of privacy problems derived from the excessive number of friends, which attracted our attention and interests. A model based on privacy calculus theory, exploring how friendlist richness influence the benefits and costs of self-disclosure-perceived playfulness and social privacy concern was built, adding role conflict and audience segregation behavior as mediators, combining these variables to explain the impact of self-disclosure on Facebook. Data was collected from an online survey(N=351) and a path analysis was used to evaluate the model. The findings indicated that friendlist richness has positive influence on role conflict but has no influence on perceived playfulness, and role conflict can partly mediate the relationship between friendlist richness with social privacy concern. Social privacy concern has positive influence on audience segregation behaviors, and completely mediate the relationship between role conflict with audience segregation behaviors. Finally, social privacy concern, perceived playfulness has negative and positive influence on self-disclosure respectively, but audience segregation behaviors has no influence on self-disclosure. Based on these findings, we discuss implications for theory and practice and provide suggestions for future research.

主题分类 管理學院 > 商學研究所
社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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