


Synthesis and Characterization of New Pentanuclear Heterometal (CoPd/CoPt) Strings with Tripyridyldiamine Ligand






金屬串 ; 導電度 ; 奈米導線 ; 金屬線 ; 無機錯合物 ; 異核混金屬 ; Metal string ; Conductance ; Metal wire ; Nano-Wire ; Inorganic complex ; Heteronuclear Metal String












本篇論文是利用三吡啶二胺配基(tripyridyldiamine ligand)作為橋接配基,簡稱H2tpda,在高溫萘燒的反應條件下,可與鈷、鈀、鉑金屬成功合成出全順向配位的直線型五核混金屬串,[CoCoCoPdCo(μ5-tpda)4(X)2]【X = Cl (1),NCS (2),CN (3)】、[CoCoCoPtCo(μ5-tpda)4(X)2]【X = Cl (4),NCS (5),CN (6)】,實驗上可藉由再結晶的方法得到目標產物,並藉由ESI-MS、NMR、IR、EA鑑定其結構組成與純度。   由X-ray單晶繞射解析得知,錯合物 (1) 與 (4) 為單斜晶系,空間群屬P21/C,錯合物 (2) 與 (5) 為三斜晶系,空間群為P-1,錯合物 (3) 與 (6) 為四方晶系,空間群為I4/m,因鈀與鉑金屬性質近似,所形成的金屬串具有isostructure性質,錯合物中四個五牙基(tpda2-)都以全順向式的配位構型螺旋環繞四個鈷金屬和一個鈀金屬,兩軸向配基分別配位在末端鈷原子上,形成鈷鈷鈷鈀鈷的五核金屬直線型排列。結構鑑定發現錯合物 (1) ~ (6) 皆具有晶體失序(disorder)的現象, 錯合物 (1) 中M2=11.5%Co+88.5%Pd,M4=88.5%Co+11.5%Pd; 錯合物 (2) 中M1=30.4%Co+69.6%Pd,M2=69.6%Co+30.4%Pd; 錯合物 (3) 中M1=M1A=50%Co+50%Pd; 錯合物 (4) 中M2=8.5%Co+91.5%Pt,M1A=91.5%Co+8.5%Pt; 錯合物 (5) 中M1=33%Co+67%Pt,M1A=67%Co+33%Pt; 錯合物 (6) 中M1=M1A=50%Co+50%Pt。   以超導量子干涉儀量測磁性,可知錯合物 (1) 與 (4) 具自旋交叉 (spin-crossover)現象,可將錯合物視為 Co(1)-Co(2)-Co(3)-M(4)-Co(5) 排列,Co(1)-Co(2)-Co(3) 為三核鈷的 spin crossover 現象,total spin 為 ST = 1/2 <-> 3/2 。M(4) 為 Pd2+ 或 Pt2+ 電子組態 ( S = 0 ) low spin 逆磁的獨立單核鈀金屬。Co(5) 為 Co2+ 電子組態 ( S = 3/2 ) high spin 的獨立單核鈷金屬。而錯合物 (2) , (3) , (5) , (6) 的spin-crossover 現象較不明顯,將錯合物視為 Co(1)-Co(2)-Co(3) 為total spin 為 ST = 1/2。M(4) 為 Pd2+ 或 Pt2+ 電子組態 ( S = 0 ) low spin 逆磁的獨立單核鈀金屬。Co(5) 為 Co2+ 電子組態 ( S = 3/2 ) high spin 的獨立單核鈷金屬。   由電化學分析可知,錯合物 (1) , (4) 皆具有三對的氧化還原對,在氧化的部分有兩對氧化還原對,在還原的部分有一對氧化還原對;錯合物 (2) 具有一對氧化還原對;錯合物 (5) 具有兩對的氧化還原對,與同核金屬錯合物比較其在電化學上的表現具有明顯差異。   將金屬錯合物 (2) , (3) , (5) , (6) 進行單分子導電值量測,可得 (2) 的導電值為 32.2 x 10-4 G0 及 3.52 x 10-4 G0; (3) 的導電值為 7.52 x 10-4 G0 ; (5) 的導電值為 7.66 x 10-4 G0 及 6.35 x 10-5 G0 ; (6) 的導電值為 2.27 x 10-4 G0,相較於 Co5(tpda)4(NCS)2 的導電值 ( 1.2 ± 0.2 ) x 10-3 G0 ,導電值有明顯差異。而將鈀原子置換為鉑原子後,其導電值有明顯的下降,推論在五核鈷金屬串中混入與鈷原子鍵結更差的金屬,會因金屬-金屬鍵結較弱,使得電子傳導較為不易,電阻上升、導電值有降低的趨勢。


The syntheses, crystal structures, CV analysis and magnetic properties analysis of six pentanuclear unsymmetric heterometal string complexes, [CoCoCoPdCo(tpda)4(X)2] ( X = Cl(1) , NCS(2) , CN(3) ) and [CoCoCoPtCo(tpda)4(X)2] ( X = Cl(4) , NCS (5) , CN(6) ) stabilized by four tripyridyldiamine (H2tpda) ligands are reported. Complexes are all helically wrapped by four syn-syn type ligands. Axial ligands are bonded to different Co ions. Complexes (1) and (4) are isomorphous and crystallize in the monoclinic system with space group P21/c . In contrast , Complexes (2) and (5) are isomorphous and crystallize in the triclinic system with space group P ī. Complexes (3) and (6) crystallize in the tetragonal system with space group I4/m. The magnetic behavior of (1) and (4) are investigated and found to be consistent with a complex interaction involving the observed spin crossover behavior (S = 1/2 to S = 3/2) from the tricobalt metal string and a strong exchange coupling between high-spin CoII ions separated by a diamagnetic PdII ion. The behavior of spin-crossover is not obvious in complexes (2) , (3) , (5) and (6) . It seems that the tricobalt metal string has the magnetic behavior of S = 1/2 with a strong exchange coupling between high-spin CoII ions separated by a diamagnetic PdII ion. The CV measurement indicate that the complexes have good reversible redox properties.So that they have probabilities to be oxidized by one or more electrons.   The conductivity study shows that the conductance of CoPd complexes is much better than CoPt complexes because of the intermolecular interaction. It seems the insertion of one or several heterometal(s) in a metal string could therefore provide a new way of tuning its magnetic and condcting properties.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 化學
理學院 > 化學系
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