
台灣共享機車價值主張與價值適配之研究 - 以WeMo Scooter公司為例


A Study of Value Proposition and Value Fit in Sharing Scooter Industry of Taiwan - Case Study of WeMo Scooter Inc.






共享機車 ; WeMo Scooter ; 價值主張 ; 價值適配 ; 商業模式 ; sharing scooter ; WeMo Scooter ; value proposition ; value fit ; business model












隨著新科技快速進展下出現創業熱潮,新創公司在台灣如雨春筍般蓬勃,但據研究顯示新創大多活不過5年,最大主因為「沒有市場」,表示公司並無針對顧客的痛點去解決問題,提供的產品或服務是顧客不需要的。因此本研究著重探討新創公司的價值主張如何達成與目標客群的價值適配,提升新創公司穩定營運的機率。 同時,在科技發展下共享交通成為很有潛力的商業模式,但此時便思考,若在大眾交通工具系統完善的台北市中,再加上機車、汽車的密度為全台第一,則交通需求還有多餘的市場嗎?因此本研究希望探討共享交通是否對於交通有加值空間。 綜合上述背景,本研究以2016年營運之亞洲第一家也是台灣第一家共享機車 – WeMo Scooter為指標性的個案研究對象,引用Osterwalder於2014年出版之《價值主張年代》作為分析架構,並以半結構式訪談、問券調查法完成WeMo Scooter之價值地圖、WeMo Scooter用戶之顧客素描、非WeMo Scooter用戶之顧客素描,並分別進行兩次價值適配之交叉分析,探討其價值地圖與顧客素描是否達到價值配適,並歸納出WeMo Scooter須調整之價值主張具體建議。 研究發現,WeMo Scooter服務之三特色 – 便利騎乘、無站點式租借、電動機車,綜合大眾交通工具、機車之優點,能大大滿足大眾之交通目的,反而機車外觀酷炫並非大眾在意之處。痛點部份,對於WeMo Scooter用戶而言,WeMo Scooter雖有解決痛點的方法,但因營運未完善導致痛點仍存在;對非WeMo Scooter用戶來說,其痛點大多來自騎車行為,對WeMo Scooter提供的是機車來講,是個需解決的重要困境。獲益部分,兩族群感到喜歡的獲益引擎大致相同,特別不同的是,WeMo Scooter用戶不認為車費便宜能帶來好感;非WeMo Scooter用戶則認為車費便宜是很重要的。 因此本研究建議,WeMo Scooter除需強化溝通大眾在意的服務特色外,仍須優化或重新設計痛點解方,包括車輛即時位置實照、紅包車兼車輛調度機制、設置專屬租還區、天氣即時狀態功能,如此WeMo Scooter能以市場期望的方向發展商業模式,達到穩定的成功經營模式,此研究過程能提供未來相關新創發展的借鏡。


With the advancement of technology, start-up companies is booming in Taiwan. However, according to the research, start-up companies mostly didn’t survive over 5 years. The main reason why start-up companies often fail is that the business model didn’t fit in the market. That is, the companies didn’t solve the pain points that consumers get troubled in, also provided the products or services that consumers didn’t need. Therefore, this study focus on how to reach value fit between value proposition and target audience’s need. The study will come out the solutions for the start-up company to fulfill market demand so as to elevate the propability of steady operation. Meanwhile, sharing transport become a highly potential business model as development of new technology. However, demand will be the point to consider. Is there any surplus of demand if people want to commute in Taipei City where transportation system is sound and the density of scooters and cars is the highest in Taiwan? Thus, this study will explore whether there’s any extra demand in the transport market in Taipei or not. In the background of two contexts above, WeMo Scooter, run in 2016 as the first-mover, who is the first start-up company that provides sharing scooter in Taiwan in sharing transit industry, is selected as the object of case study. In order to clarify whether the value proposition provided by WeMo Scooter in Taiwan currently meets the needs of people or not, Osterwalder's "Value Proposition Design", published in 2014, is used as analytical process to complete the value map of WeMo Scooter, customer profile of WeMo Scooter users and customer profile of non-users by means of focused interview and questionnaire survey. Then, three maps will be compard with each other to see whether the value fit between value maps and customer profiles or not, if not, then the specific solutions will be proposed for WeMo Scooter to improve their services and the value proposition. At the end of study, three features of WeMo Scooter, including convenient riding, electrical scooter and renting without station, integrating strengths of mass transit and scooter, can mostly fullfil people’s purpose of transit. On the contrary, appearance of scooter isn’t the expectation that people emphasize so much. In the concept of pain point, as far as WeMo Scooter users are concerned, their pain points that they care are still not resolved due to poor operation of WeMo Scooter. On non-users’ perspectives, the main pain points are mostly caused by riding scooter and it’s scooter that WeMo Scooter provide as transportation. So scooter is significant issue needed to be approached. On the other hand, speaking of gains, the gain creators that both WeMo Scooter users and non-users like are approximately identical. But there’s still a difference between them. Non-users view cheap fee as importance, yet WeMo Scooter users think cheap fee is unimportant. On top of that, WeMo Scooter has to strengthen communicating with service features that people care about. In addition, WeMo Scooter should improve or redesign pain relievers by on time photo of scooters, mobility of scooters mechanism, stations for renting and returning and wheather forecast. Eventually, WeMo Scooter can develop business model in the right direction that realize expectation of market. The study can support WeMo Scooter reaching successful operating model and also become reference model for related start-up companies in the future.

主题分类 管理學院 > 商學研究所
社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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