The trend of consuming low-price high-quality products has been popular from the
2008 financial tsunami. With Uniqlo started to entry the international market, Lativ in
Taiwan also followed the trend and became popular in the industry. Compared to those
brands based on physical channel, the positioning, competitive strategy and the business
model design is more important for the internet brands to create speed, flexibility and
brand loyalty.
Using the in-depth case study to examined SOFU, and combined the research of
judo strategy and their limitation. This research had found that the characteristics of the
industry were suit for the analysis of judo strategy. In addition, the research took the
brand positioning and business model design as the research issue. And found out that
for those who are new entrants or small firms in one industry, the judo spirit can make
their competitors reluctantly ignore their existence. Even more, the incumbents won’t
revenge the small firm since they have no incentive to do it. And then the new entrants
could grab the market and survive for the very first time.
The findings of the research was based on the view of judo strategy, and given the
analysis of competitive positioning and business model in high growth potential and
competitive pressure industry. Besides, it also filled out the gap of case study in judo
strategy. Furthermore, it’s important for those new entrants or industry incumbents to
know how to grab the market and penetrating the industry with limited resources. Given
them an idea to formulate the entry strategy and design the business model with the
strategic thinking of judo
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