The “Standard Histories”, twenty five in total, are the official histories of the Chinese Dynasties. . Many of the Standard Histories contain volumes of Wuxingzhi (五行志), which record disasters occurred during the reign. The Chronicles of the Emperors (Benji, or 本紀) and Wuxingzhi (五行志) also often contains such records. These records document the time of occurrence, location, and severity, thus serve as important evidence for modern studies on the history of disasters.
In this study we focus on the natural disasters documented in the Benji and Wuxingzhi of the Standard Histories. We first define the scope of our study and the nature of disasters based on the classifications and rules given in the Wuxingzhi as well as other studies on the history of natural disasters. We then extract the records of natural disasters from the Wuxingzhi and Benji. The extracted texts are further annotated with metadata, so as to meet the needs of the studies on the histories of disasters, A system is then developed to visualize the distribution of time, space and type of disasters, and to provide post-classification functions. It is expected that users will be enabled to make multi-aspect observations on distributions of disasters, thereby identifying issues that are interesting and worthy of study.
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