


Position Dependent Correction of a PMLSM Control






氣浮運動平台 ; 永磁無刷線性馬達 ; 強健控制 ; H∞控制 ; Luenberger估測器 ; 干擾估測器 ; air-bearing motion stage ; PMLSM ; robust control ; H∞ control ; Luenberger observer ; disturbance observer












本論文提出新的線性狀態估測器架構以改善Luenberger式狀態估測器,此架構是以傳統Luenberger式狀態估測器為基礎,加入新的狀態,估測系統外部環境及內部的干擾(disturbance),並進行補償;可有效降低低頻擾動對於整體系統的影響,並且大幅修正傳統估測器因為未模型化的系統動態或者未考量的外界干擾所造成的估測狀態穩態誤差。 此系統是以永磁無刷式線性馬達以及空氣軸承所組成的雙軸氣浮平台。將雙軸的系統解耦成三個( 軸)單一輸入、單一輸出(SISO)系統。由於系統為不穩定的系統,系統識別方面採用閉迴路系統識別方法去進行數學模型的識別;並使用Simulink內建「參數估測」的時域方法以及透過對系統輸入輸出做快速傅立葉轉換(FFT)的頻域作法去進行比較,以取得較優化的識別結果。 控制架構上,主要以狀態估測器估測系統無法量測的狀態變數以利狀態迴授控制,使系統能夠穩定,再搭配擾動估測的補償,以修正原估測狀態穩態誤差。整體架構採用偽微分回授控制(Pseudo Derivative Feedback),並建立在鏈散射式描述(Chain Scattering Description)的運算環境下,透過強健及最佳化控制來計算出積分器與狀態迴授的增益參數,使整個系統的H-infinite norm限制在一定範圍內。傳統的「速度與位置切換控制」會因為速度與位置控制頻寬的不同,造成不良的暫態響應,因此本論文使用實驗團隊之前所提出的「迫近定位控制」,輸入包含參考位置及參考速度,同時控制平台的速度及定位精度達到理想的響應。


This thesis addresses the fundamental problem of improving the Luenberger ob-server (LO)-based feedback control so that it can deal with a wide range of uncertainties, caused by both internal and external disturbances. The augmented states are added to conventional Luenberger observer to estimate the external and internal disturbances, so called total disturbance. As a result, the low-frequency disturbances can be rejected with disturbance compensation. Moreover, the state estimation error caused by the total dis-turbance in conventional Luenberger observer can be eliminated. The system is a dual-axis air-bearing motion stage system consists of four perma-nent magnet brushless linear motors. For simplicity, in this thesis the complex system is decoupled to three single input single output (SISO) systems. Since the system is unsta-ble, the closed-loop system identification is required. System identification are con-ducted in both time domain and frequency domain. In time domain, system identifica-tion is conducted using the embedded function, “Parameter estimation” under Simulink environment. In frequency domain, the time domain experimental data of the system input and output are converted to frequency domain data by Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). The Luenberger observer is installed to estimate the states, which are not able to be measured by sensor for the state feedback control to stabilize the system. Furthermore, the augmented states are added to estimate total disturbances for disturbance compen-sation. The Pseudo Derivative Feedback (PDF) control structure is implemented and the overall control theory is based on the Robust and Optimal control to calculate the opti-mal control gains in Chain Scattering Description (CSD), restricting the H-infinite norm of the system in a specific range. Since speed control and position control have different bandwidth, which causes undesired transient response in “Speed and Position Switching Control”. Thus, the previously proposed “Access and Positioning Control” by our labor-atory team is implemented. “Access and Positioning Control” includes the reference speed and position for input command together at the same time so that switching be-tween two control methods is not necessary.

主题分类 工學院 > 機械工程學系
工程學 > 機械工程
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