


International Branding Strategy of Small Emerging Economies` Firm─Evidences of Shoe Industry in Taiwan






資源依賴理論 ; 資源基礎理論 ; 制度理論 ; 品牌價值 ; resource dependence theory ; resource base theory ; institutional theory ; brand value












在金融危機後,世界經濟重心正逐漸由以美國、歐洲、日本為主的已開發國家,轉移至以中國、巴西、印度、南韓等國為主的新興經濟體。若以人口數量或內需市場為區隔,則新興經濟體將可分為人口資源豐富的大型新興經濟體與創意、技術取勝的小型新興經濟體。對於小型新興經濟體企業發展品牌,在本國勢必會受到內需市場小的影響,因而邁向國際化。但在國內學術研究上卻鮮少針對該型經濟體進行探討與分析。 因此,本研究以資源依賴理論分析小型新興經濟體企業發展品牌的必要性;以資源基礎理論與制度理論比較小型新興經濟體企業品牌國際化市場的選擇,分別針對大型新興經濟體與已開發國家進行比較;最後則探討小型新興經濟體企業本土品牌與國際品牌之價值。分別以寶成、達芙妮、將門、阿瘦之企業發展個案為例,將個案內容與文獻相互印證,推導出七個命題,並歸納結論如下: 1.小型新興經濟體企業多以為國際品牌代工製造為主,透過提升本身核心競爭力,加強與品牌客戶間相互依賴關係,將不必朝向自有品牌發展。 2.大型新興經濟體政府多以實質優惠鼓勵至當地投資,加上該經濟體內消費者對於新品牌接受程度較高。小型新興經濟體企業資源薄弱,品牌產品差異性低,可選擇大型新興經濟體,擴充市場,增強核心能力,提升品牌價值。 3.已開發國家法規發展完善亦較嚴格;消費者雖對於新產品、技術接受程度高,但有品牌來源國疑慮。因此,小型新興經濟體企業應以利基產品,進入已開發國家,藉由利基市場獲取所需資源以進行品牌價值提升。 4.小型新興經濟體企業熟悉並深耕本國市場,亦能透過本國市場行銷品牌,創造品牌價值,與進入國內之國際品牌相互抗衡。


After the financial crisis, the focus of world economic gradually shifted from developed countries like United States, Europe, Japan, to emerging countries such as China, Brazil, India and South Korea etc. In terms of population or domestic demand, emerging economies can be segmented into two categories: a large emerging economy with abundant labor force and a small one with creativity and technology. The latter must be confined to the limited domestic demand while branding, leading to its internationalization. However, this issue is relatively unexplored in Taiwan and this research focuses on international branding strategy of small emerging economies` firms. This research includes three subjects. First, the necessity that firms in small emerging economy develop brands is analyzed based on resource dependence theory. Then, the selection of international markets by these firms is discussed with resource base theory and institutional theory. Last, we compare the value difference of small emerging economies` local brand and international brand. The study utilizes the enterprise development cases of Pou Chen, Daphne, Jump, and A.S.O. as an example. Citing the content of the cases confirm the literature. Seven propositions are derived and summarized as follow: 1.Most businesses in emerging economies are mainly OEM for international brands. They Strengthen the interdependent relationship with brand customer through enhance their core competitiveness. As a result, they don`t need to develop their own brand. 2.Most large emerging economies` governments use real premium to encourage foreign companies` local investment and the customers in large emerging economies have higher new brand acceptance. Small emerging economies enterprises who having poor resources, lower brand product differentiation, can enter large emerging economies to expand market share, strengthen core competencies, enhance brand value. 3.Developed countries have well-developed, strict laws and regulations. Local consumers have higher new product and technology acceptance, but they still have doubts about COO effects. As a result, small emerging economies` enterprises can enter developed countries accompanying with niche product and obtain the necessary resources to enhance brand value through the niche market. 4.Small emerging economies` businesses are familiar with and root in their local markets. They can compete with international brands through brand marking and brand value creation in local markets.

主题分类 管理學院 > 國際企業學系
社會科學 > 管理學
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