The concept of intelligent building was introduced into Taiwan in 1989. The concept of Intelligent Building has been initial implemented in Taiwan in 2003. On the other hand, the Apartment Building Management Ordinance was pass the legislation in Taiwan, on June 28th, 1995. It is thus clear that facility management mechanism has been gradually emphasized by society of Taiwan. Even though the concept of intelligent building and facility management progressive development. But it coulde not be easy to find any author integrate both of two concepts in academic field. In view of this, this research compare the 229 indicators of intelligent building and the draft of facility management service law. There are 122 detail indicators have been selected after comparesion. This research have been designed questionary based on them. Through the chi-square test, T test and multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) to investigate the issue of intelligent facility management mechanism application in cases of this research collected. There are 9 greater demand issues and 8 excess supply issues have been determined. In addition, this research figure out the intelligent facility services which households needed of different groups. This research also analyse the margin of hike the additional maintenance fees and equipment installation fee. This research expect the result of this research will enhance the intelligent facility management level for households and facility management companies.
KEY WORDS: Intelligent Buildings, Facility Management, Intelligent Facility Management, Residential Development, Questionnaire Survey
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