


The Effects of Nanotechnology Teaching to Eighth grade Students on Scientific Attitudes






新興科技議題 ; 科學態度奈米科技 ; Emerging technology issues ; scientific attitudes ; nanotechnology












本研究主旨在探討新興科技議題-奈米科技融入國中二年級學生教學對學生科學態度產生的影響。研究者以臺北市某某國中 2 個班級,共 75 名學生為研究對象,利用每週一節彈性課程時間,連續進行 10 週,共 10節課分組教學。一班為實驗組:課程內容以新興科技議題-奈米科技教學,經專家學者鑒核,教材內容以奈米尺寸概念、蓮花效應及奈米科技應用三大概念為主軸研發;對照組:課程內容以九年一貫學習領域-理化科課程教學。以「科學態度問卷」為研究工具,在教學活動前、後進行評測及統計分析;並於教學課程結束後,再請實驗組學生填寫「奈米科技議題意見調查表」,並以隨機抽樣的方式,抽取8位學生進行半結構式的晤談,藉以深入了解學生在教學後,對科學態度之改變情形及新興科技議題-奈米科技教學之學習感受。 國民中學課程標準中規定需有彈性學習節數。在一般的國民中學教學現場,彈性課程時數多是老師利用學習單練習、複習進度講述,以期替學生增強傳統學科能力。本研究嘗試新興科技議題-奈米科技融入國中二年級學生彈性課程教學後,經由統計分析獲得以下結論,國中二年級學生在學習新興科技議題-奈米科技教學後: 1.學生整體科學態度的表現有正面提升的成效。其中,科學態度:「喜歡探索」分項、「發現樂趣」分項、「求真求實」分項表現有 顯著提昇;但科學態度:「細心切實」分項的提升有限。 2.男性學生及學生之學科能力傾向為喜歡國文、英文、社會學科,更能夠提昇整體科學態度。 3.學生本身學習成就表現,面對傳統理化科試題測驗卻難有提昇。 以上研究結果,期望對未來研究此議題之學者有所助益:


This research primary intention is in a discussion of effects on scientific attitudes after notechnology teaching to eighth grade students.The researcher takes two classes of a junior high school in Taipei , altogether 75 students as the objects of research, using elastic curriculum time every week, carries on continuously for 10 weeks. One class is the experimental group: The curriculum content take nanotechnology teaching, reflects the nucleus by the experts' suggestions, the teaching material content by the nanometer size concept, the lotus effect and nanotechnology applies,three major concepts as the main axle research and development; Control group: curriculum content by generally study of physics and chemistry branch curriculum teaching. Take「scientific attitude index」as research tool, test before teaching activities and test again after teaching activities,and then take statistical analysis;And after teaching course, asks the experimental group students to fillin 「the nanometer technical subject opinion survey index」, and by random sampling's way, extracts eight students to advance half structural formula meeting and talking, so as to understand the situation of students' changes to scientific attitudes and feeling of study on nanotechnology teaching after the teaching. This research attempts to integrate nanotechnology concepts into generally study of physics and chemistry in elastic curriculum time of teaching eight grade Students.And after the teaching activities ,by analysising the informations of research ,obtain the conclusion: 1. Students have a positive upgrade of overall scientific attitude. And the subs of scientific attitude: like Search ,find the fun , seeking the truth significantly enhance the performance of sub-items; but the sub of scientific attitude: seeking the truth carefully has limit in improvement. 2. Male students and students of academic aptitude for the likes of Chinese, English, social studies, can provide better overall scientific attitude. 3.The performance of students learning achievement in themself, in general physical and chemical tests has difficulty to improve. Above results, expect to be helpful to gain for future scholars to study this issue.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 物理
理學院 > 物理學系
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