In the pass, all the research we have for [strategy of Integrated Marketing Communication] was focus on researching [how we organized] and [different level of organized]. The research which involved testing and experiment for real estate is relatively speaking rare, not to mention about the high end luxury market.
This research is mainly focus on:
1. The relation between strategy of Integrated Marketing Communication and real estate.
2. The real estate environment in the reason years, and how strategy turns the Marketing.
3. How can we apply strategy of Integrated Marketing Communication on high end luxury market?
4. Through the research we have done, we discover that; 1. In able to combine Integrated Marketing Communication on real estate, the high levels of supply chain must become usual. 2. The middle part of the supply chain must bond to a complete system. 3. The high end luxury market in Taiwan was created by the fifth cycle of real estate economy. 4. The government also highly involved in high end luxury market. 5. As for high end luxury market, the building team will be as important as with the location. 6. The communication for selling the high end luxury building is very unordinary.
Contribution of this research: have suggestion which target directly to high end luxury market, that for build a foundation of the future goal.
1. The strategy of Integrated Marketing Communication for high end luxury market can be start from strategy to tactical, which means from industrial supply chain, human organization Integrate to the function of strategy of Integrated Marketing. However in this research we discover yet another fact, and that is systematic view, which play the role between the three critical point above.
2. 3 key department [marketing department], [planning department] and sales department] along with 6 marketing function [marketing research], [product positioning], [advertisement], [media usage], [selling] and [customer satisfaction] will be the example for the companies to run the case.
3. So call [double engine] of selling strategy is currently suite for high end luxury market in Taiwan. It solve 4 biggest challenge that the company can face, which include policy, society, demand and supply. Our selling center [NEW GATE] can copy and store successful case in digital way. Have a luxury place digital demonstration, this will become a good foundation and data base for future cases, and this is also good for environment protection, which suite for today’s slogan.
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