


The Study of Causes of Death and Manners of Death in Dogs and Cats in Taiwan






死亡原因 ; 死亡方式 ; 動物法醫學 ; 動物法醫病理學 ; 死亡監控系統 ; Cause of death ; Manner of death ; Forensic veterinary medicine ; Forensic veterinary pathology ; Mortality surveillance system












由於現今社會人類與伴侶動物關係變得較以往更加親密,故寵物死亡原因調查,不僅能促進動物醫學之發展,還能增進公共衛生及動物福祉。此外,也因為近年來動物法醫學與動物法用科學逐年受到國際學界之重視,加上臺灣社會數起重大虐待動物受到社會大眾極大注目,均顯示動物法醫學之發展在當前臺灣社會實有迫切需要。 本研究論文共分四個部分,第一部分,介紹本實驗室建構之家犬家貓死因即時通報系統,並以2012-2014三年間從全臺各地動物醫院所收集之家貓死亡年紀與死亡或安樂死之原因進行分析,並闡述此系統之優劣。第二部分,分析所取得2012-2014三年間家犬犬死亡年紀與死亡或安樂死的原因,並據人口統計學因子分層進行分析。第三部分,使用本系統所獲得之家犬家貓死亡資料,進一步分析臺灣地區家犬家貓創傷有關死亡與人口統計學因子之關聯性。第四部分,分析2011-2016六年間接受各地動物保護處委託進行法醫解剖之疑似虐待動物案件之死亡原因與死亡方式,並據此勾畫近年來臺灣地區動物法醫發展的現況。 研究成果顯示,利用本研究所建構之家犬家貓死因即時通報系統,於2012-2014年間,共收集到1,325隻家貓與2,306隻家犬死亡數據。家貓最常見的死亡原因或安樂死的理由依序為腎臟與泌尿疾病、腫瘤與感染症。並進一步透過回歸模型,探討五大常見死因與人口統計學因子之相關性。結果發現老年與絕育為腎臟與泌尿疾病及腫瘤死因的高度相關因子。家犬最常見的死亡原因或安樂死的理由依序為腫瘤、多重器官障礙與心血管疾病。並進一步透過分群分析,探討死因排序與不同人口統計學因子間的關係。結果發現透過不同年齡層與不同地理因素將族群分群,其死因之排序有明顯差異。分析結果顯示本系統收集到的資料不僅能符合對於家犬家貓族群的一般期望,並能提供關於臺灣家犬家貓族群非常有用的資訊。 此外,利用本數據進一步探討家犬家貓創傷有關死亡,結果顯示在一共278例創傷致死的個案中,其中有177隻家犬與101隻家貓。最常見的三種創傷原因為車禍、墜落以及動物間的不良互動(如打架、咬傷)等。然而,根據通報資料,我們亦發現少數案件疑似為虐待案件,此結果顯示了社會上可能有更多潛在的虐待動物之暴力事件被我們忽視。最後,於2011-2016六年間本研究團隊所處理之法醫解剖案件共100例,81例有明確死因,其中39例確定為虐待動物案件及有16例有嫌疑人。進一步利用這100個案例,用六種動物的死亡方式分類進行動物分析,研究結果顯示,在研判動物的死亡方式時,可結合一至多種分類邏輯循序漸進推論,並且可依據目的及法情之不同,進行適當修訂。


Given that the increasing level of intimacy between owners and companion animals in modern society, a mortality survey on pets could not only improve the veterinary practices, but also the public health and animal welfare. Besides, because recent years have seen increased attention being given to forensic veterinary medicine and sciences and several notorious crimes against animals has drawn public attention in Taiwan, the development of veterinary forensics is urgent in our society. The present dissertation consists of four parts. First, the real-time reporting system for mortality data of domesticated were introduced, and the mortality of the domesticated cat population were investigated. Second, causes of deaths or reasons for euthanasia in Taiwanese domesticated dog population were investigated. Third, trauma-related deaths in domesticated dogs and cats were furthered studied. Finally, the causes of death and manners of death for alleged animal cruelty cases were studied, delineating the recent development of veterinary forensics in Taiwan. During 2012-2014, data from 1,325 domesticated cats and 2,306 domesticated dogs were collected using the real-time reporting system. For domesticated cats, the most common cause of death (COD)/reason for euthanasia (RFE) were renal and urologic disorders, followed by neoplasia, and infection. Advanced age and neutering were found to be associated with death due to renal and urologic disorders as well as with neoplasia. For domesticated dogs, the most common COD/RFE was neoplasia, followed by multiple organ involvement and cardiovascular diseases. Segregated by cut-off ages, demographic and geographic variables, the ranking and frequency of COD/RFE displayed different patterns. Our results not only fit with the general expectation of dog and cat populations, but also provide valuable insights into mortality in domesticated dog and cat populations in Taiwan. Moreover, 278 trauma-related deaths, including 177 dogs and 101 cats, were reported during 2012-2014. The leading traumatic causes were car accidents, falls, and animal interactions (fights and bites). A few cases raised strong suspicion of animal cruelty; such findings imply there may be animal cruelty cases overlooked in our country. Finally, 100 cases were submitted for forensic necropsy during 2011-2016, including 52 dogs and 48 cats. Among these cases, 82 cases were found with determined causes of death, while causes of death were not determined in the rests. Animal cruelty were confirmed in 39 cases, and suspects were found in only 16 cases. Our results suggest that the appropriate classification for animal manner of death should follow a thinking process and could be designed according to the special legal purpose.

主题分类 獸醫專業學院 > 獸醫學研究所
生物農學 > 獸醫
  1. Adams, V.J., Evans, K.M., Sampson, J., Wood, J.L., 2010. Methods and mortality results of a health survey of purebred dogs in the UK. J Small Anim Pract 51, 512-524.
  2. Bailiff, N.L., Nelson, R.W., Feldman, E.C., Westropp, J.L., Ling, G.V., Jang, S.S., Kass, P.H., 2006. Frequency and risk factors for urinary tract infection in cats with diabetes mellitus. J Vet Intern Med 20, 850-855.
  3. Bartges, J.W., 2012. Chronic kidney disease in dogs and cats. Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract 42, 669-692, vi.
  4. Benetato, M.A., Reisman, R., McCobb, E., 2011. The veterinarian's role in animal cruelty cases. J Am Vet Med Assoc 238, 31-34.
  5. Brownlie, H.W.B., Munro, R., 2016. The Veterinary Forensic Necropsy: A Review of Procedures and Protocols. Vet Pathol 53, 919-928.
  6. Buffington, C.A., Westropp, J.L., Chew, D.J., Bolus, R.R., 2006. Risk factors associated with clinical signs of lower urinary tract disease in indoor-housed cats. J Am Vet Med Assoc 228, 722-725.
  7. Chang, Y.P., Chiu, P.Y., Lin, C.T., Liu, I.H., Liu, C.H., 2016. Outbreak of thiamine deficiency in cats associated with the feeding of defective dry food. J Feline Med Surg.
  8. Chiou, H.Y., Hsieh, C.H., Jeng, C.R., Chan, F.T., Wang, H.Y., Pang, V.F., 2014. Molecular characterization of cryptically circulating rabies virus from ferret badgers, Taiwan. Emerg Infect Dis 20, 790-798.
  9. Cooper, J.E., Cooper, M.E., 2008. Introduction to veterinary and comparative forensic medicine. John Wiley & Sons.
  10. Craig, L.E., 2001. Cause of death in dogs according to breed: a necropsy survey of five breeds. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 37, 438-443.
  11. Dimski, D.S., Taboada, J., 1995. Feline idiopathic hepatic lipidosis. Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract 25, 357-373.
  12. Dru Forrester, S., Roudebush, P., 2007. Evidence-based management of feline lower urinary tract disease. Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract 37, 533-558.
  13. Dutton, R.E., Moore, G.E., 1987. Clinical review of death/euthanasia in 123 military working dog necropsies. Mil Med 152, 489-493.
  14. Egenvall, A., Nodtvedt, A., Haggstrom, J., Strom Holst, B., Moller, L., Bonnett, B.N., 2009. Mortality of life-insured Swedish cats during 1999-2006: age, breed, sex, and diagnosis. J Vet Intern Med 23, 1175-1183.
  15. Elliott, J., Barber, P., 1998. Feline chronic renal failure: clinical findings in 80 cases diagnosed between 1992 and 1995. J Small Anim Pract 39, 78-85.
  16. Evans, J.A., van Wessem, K.J., McDougall, D., Lee, K.A., Lyons, T., Balogh, Z.J., 2010. Epidemiology of traumatic deaths: comprehensive population-based assessment. World J Surg 34, 158-163.
  17. Ferreri, J.A., Hardam, E., Kimmel, S.E., Saunders, H.M., Van Winkle, T.J., Drobatz, K.J., Washabau, R.J., 2003. Clinical differentiation of acute necrotizing from chronic nonsuppurative pancreatitis in cats: 63 cases (1996-2001). J Am Vet Med Assoc 223, 469-474.
  18. Finnie, J.W., 2016. Forensic Pathology of Traumatic Brain Injury. Vet Pathol 53, 962-978.
  19. Fleming, J.M., Creevy, K.E., Promislow, D.E., 2011. Mortality in north american dogs from 1984 to 2004: an investigation into age-, size-, and breed-related causes of death. J Vet Intern Med 25, 187-198.
  20. Gerdin, J.A., McDonough, S.P., 2013. Forensic Pathology of Companion Animal Abuse and Neglect. Vet Pathol 50, 994-1006.
  21. Greer, K.A., Canterberry, S.C., Murphy, K.E., 2007. Statistical analysis regarding the effects of height and weight on life span of the domestic dog. Research in veterinary science 82, 208-214.
  22. Hanzlick, R., Hunsaker, J., Davis, G.J., 2002. A guide for manner of death classification. Atlanta, GA: National Association of Medical Examiners 6.
  23. Hayashidani, H., Omi, Y., Ogawa, M., Fukutomi, K., 1988. Epidemiological studies on the expectation of life for dogs computed from animal cemetery records. Nihon Juigaku Zasshi 50, 1003-1008.
  24. Hayashidani, H., Omi, Y., Ogawa, M., Fukutomi, K., 1989. Epidemiological studies on the expectation of life for cats computed from animal cemetery records. Nihon Juigaku Zasshi 51, 905-908.
  25. Hess, R.S., Saunders, H.M., Van Winkle, T.J., Ward, C.R., 2000. Concurrent disorders in dogs with diabetes mellitus: 221 cases (1993-1998). J Am Vet Med Assoc 217, 1166-1173.
  26. Hoffman, J.M., Creevy, K.E., Promislow, D.E., 2013. Reproductive capability is associated with lifespan and cause of death in companion dogs. PloS one 8, e61082.
  27. Huang, W.-H., Liao, A.T., Chu, P.-Y., Yen, I.-F., Liu, C.-H., 2017a. A real-time reporting system of causes of death or reasons for euthanasia: A model for monitoring mortality in domesticated cats in Taiwan. Prev Vet Med 137, 59-68.
  28. Huang, W.-H., Liao, A.T., Chu, P.-Y., Zhai, S.-H., Yen, I.-F., Liu, C.-H., 2017b. A 3-Year Surveillance on Causes of Death or Reasons for Euthanasia of Domesticated Dogs in Taiwan. Prev Vet Med 147, 1-10.
  29. Inoue, M., Hasegawa, A., Hosoi, Y., Sugiura, K., 2015a. A current life table and causes of death for insured dogs in Japan. Prev Vet Med 120, 210-218.
  30. Inoue, M., Hasegawa, A., Sugiura, K., 2015b. Morbidity pattern by age, sex and breed in insured cats in Japan (2008-2013). J Feline Med Surg.
  31. Jones, P.H., Dawson, S., Gaskell, R.M., Coyne, K.P., Tierney, A., Setzkorn, C., Radford, A.D., Noble, P.J., 2014. Surveillance of diarrhoea in small animal practice through the Small Animal Veterinary Surveillance Network (SAVSNET). Vet J 201, 412-418.
  32. Kass, P.H., Weng, H.Y., Gaona, M.A., Hille, A., Sydow, M.H., Lund, E.M., Markwell, P.J., 2016. Syndromic surveillance in companion animals utilizing electronic medical records data: development and proof of concept. PeerJ 4, e1940.
  33. Kircher, T., Anderson, R.E., 1987. Cause of death. Proper completion of the death certificate. J Am Med Rec Assoc 58, 47-51.
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  37. Mayer-Roenne, B., Goldstein, R.E., Erb, H.N., 2007. Urinary tract infections in cats with hyperthyroidism, diabetes mellitus and chronic kidney disease. J Feline Med Surg 9, 124-132.
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  68. Adams, V.J., Evans, K.M., Sampson, J., Wood, J.L., 2010. Methods and mortality results of a health survey of purebred dogs in the UK. J Small Anim Pract 51, 512-524.
  69. Bailiff, N.L., Nelson, R.W., Feldman, E.C., Westropp, J.L., Ling, G.V., Jang, S.S., Kass, P.H., 2006. Frequency and risk factors for urinary tract infection in cats with diabetes mellitus. J Vet Intern Med 20, 850-855.
  70. Bartges, J.W., 2012. Chronic kidney disease in dogs and cats. Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract 42, 669-692, vi.
  71. Benetato, M.A., Reisman, R., McCobb, E., 2011. The veterinarian's role in animal cruelty cases. J Am Vet Med Assoc 238, 31-34.
  72. Brownlie, H.W.B., Munro, R., 2016. The Veterinary Forensic Necropsy: A Review of Procedures and Protocols. Vet Pathol 53, 919-928.
  73. Buffington, C.A., Westropp, J.L., Chew, D.J., Bolus, R.R., 2006. Risk factors associated with clinical signs of lower urinary tract disease in indoor-housed cats. J Am Vet Med Assoc 228, 722-725.
  74. Chang, Y.P., Chiu, P.Y., Lin, C.T., Liu, I.H., Liu, C.H., 2016. Outbreak of thiamine deficiency in cats associated with the feeding of defective dry food. J Feline Med Surg.
  75. Chiou, H.Y., Hsieh, C.H., Jeng, C.R., Chan, F.T., Wang, H.Y., Pang, V.F., 2014. Molecular characterization of cryptically circulating rabies virus from ferret badgers, Taiwan. Emerg Infect Dis 20, 790-798.
  76. Cooper, J.E., Cooper, M.E., 2008. Introduction to veterinary and comparative forensic medicine. John Wiley & Sons.
  77. Craig, L.E., 2001. Cause of death in dogs according to breed: a necropsy survey of five breeds. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 37, 438-443.
  78. Dimski, D.S., Taboada, J., 1995. Feline idiopathic hepatic lipidosis. Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract 25, 357-373.
  79. Dru Forrester, S., Roudebush, P., 2007. Evidence-based management of feline lower urinary tract disease. Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract 37, 533-558.
  80. Dutton, R.E., Moore, G.E., 1987. Clinical review of death/euthanasia in 123 military working dog necropsies. Mil Med 152, 489-493.
  81. Egenvall, A., Nodtvedt, A., Haggstrom, J., Strom Holst, B., Moller, L., Bonnett, B.N., 2009. Mortality of life-insured Swedish cats during 1999-2006: age, breed, sex, and diagnosis. J Vet Intern Med 23, 1175-1183.
  82. Elliott, J., Barber, P., 1998. Feline chronic renal failure: clinical findings in 80 cases diagnosed between 1992 and 1995. J Small Anim Pract 39, 78-85.
  83. Evans, J.A., van Wessem, K.J., McDougall, D., Lee, K.A., Lyons, T., Balogh, Z.J., 2010. Epidemiology of traumatic deaths: comprehensive population-based assessment. World J Surg 34, 158-163.
  84. Ferreri, J.A., Hardam, E., Kimmel, S.E., Saunders, H.M., Van Winkle, T.J., Drobatz, K.J., Washabau, R.J., 2003. Clinical differentiation of acute necrotizing from chronic nonsuppurative pancreatitis in cats: 63 cases (1996-2001). J Am Vet Med Assoc 223, 469-474.
  85. Finnie, J.W., 2016. Forensic Pathology of Traumatic Brain Injury. Vet Pathol 53, 962-978.
  86. Fleming, J.M., Creevy, K.E., Promislow, D.E., 2011. Mortality in north american dogs from 1984 to 2004: an investigation into age-, size-, and breed-related causes of death. J Vet Intern Med 25, 187-198.
  87. Gerdin, J.A., McDonough, S.P., 2013. Forensic Pathology of Companion Animal Abuse and Neglect. Vet Pathol 50, 994-1006.
  88. Greer, K.A., Canterberry, S.C., Murphy, K.E., 2007. Statistical analysis regarding the effects of height and weight on life span of the domestic dog. Research in veterinary science 82, 208-214.
  89. Hanzlick, R., Hunsaker, J., Davis, G.J., 2002. A guide for manner of death classification. Atlanta, GA: National Association of Medical Examiners 6.
  90. Hayashidani, H., Omi, Y., Ogawa, M., Fukutomi, K., 1988. Epidemiological studies on the expectation of life for dogs computed from animal cemetery records. Nihon Juigaku Zasshi 50, 1003-1008.
  91. Hayashidani, H., Omi, Y., Ogawa, M., Fukutomi, K., 1989. Epidemiological studies on the expectation of life for cats computed from animal cemetery records. Nihon Juigaku Zasshi 51, 905-908.
  92. Hess, R.S., Saunders, H.M., Van Winkle, T.J., Ward, C.R., 2000. Concurrent disorders in dogs with diabetes mellitus: 221 cases (1993-1998). J Am Vet Med Assoc 217, 1166-1173.
  93. Hoffman, J.M., Creevy, K.E., Promislow, D.E., 2013. Reproductive capability is associated with lifespan and cause of death in companion dogs. PloS one 8, e61082.
  94. Huang, W.-H., Liao, A.T., Chu, P.-Y., Yen, I.-F., Liu, C.-H., 2017a. A real-time reporting system of causes of death or reasons for euthanasia: A model for monitoring mortality in domesticated cats in Taiwan. Prev Vet Med 137, 59-68.
  95. Huang, W.-H., Liao, A.T., Chu, P.-Y., Zhai, S.-H., Yen, I.-F., Liu, C.-H., 2017b. A 3-Year Surveillance on Causes of Death or Reasons for Euthanasia of Domesticated Dogs in Taiwan. Prev Vet Med 147, 1-10.
  96. Inoue, M., Hasegawa, A., Hosoi, Y., Sugiura, K., 2015a. A current life table and causes of death for insured dogs in Japan. Prev Vet Med 120, 210-218.
  97. Inoue, M., Hasegawa, A., Sugiura, K., 2015b. Morbidity pattern by age, sex and breed in insured cats in Japan (2008-2013). J Feline Med Surg.
  98. Jones, P.H., Dawson, S., Gaskell, R.M., Coyne, K.P., Tierney, A., Setzkorn, C., Radford, A.D., Noble, P.J., 2014. Surveillance of diarrhoea in small animal practice through the Small Animal Veterinary Surveillance Network (SAVSNET). Vet J 201, 412-418.
  99. Kass, P.H., Weng, H.Y., Gaona, M.A., Hille, A., Sydow, M.H., Lund, E.M., Markwell, P.J., 2016. Syndromic surveillance in companion animals utilizing electronic medical records data: development and proof of concept. PeerJ 4, e1940.
  100. Kircher, T., Anderson, R.E., 1987. Cause of death. Proper completion of the death certificate. J Am Med Rec Assoc 58, 47-51.
  101. Kolata, R.J., 1980. Trauma in dogs and cats: an overview. Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract 10, 515-522.
  102. Lee, E.T., Wang, J., 2003. Statistical methods for survival data analysis. John Wiley & Sons.
  103. Lowe, A.D., Campbell, K.L., Graves, T., 2008. Glucocorticoids in the cat. Vet Dermatol 19, 340-347.
  104. Mayer-Roenne, B., Goldstein, R.E., Erb, H.N., 2007. Urinary tract infections in cats with hyperthyroidism, diabetes mellitus and chronic kidney disease. J Feline Med Surg 9, 124-132.
  105. McDonough, S.P., Gerdin, J., Wuenschmann, A., McEwen, B.J., Brooks, J.W., 2015. Illuminating dark cases: veterinary forensic pathology emerges. Vet Pathol 52, 5-6.
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