


DanceVib: Assistive Tempo Experiencing for the Hearing Impaired






DanceVib ; PC播放模組 ; Vibrator ; 輔助 ; PC display module ; Vibrator ; DanceVib ; assist














We realize that it is enjoyable to hear and dance with music. However, since the deaf cannot hear music clearly, they loss the rhythms of music. In order to assist the deaf with dance, we develop a system named DanceVib. The system has three main components – BeatRoot,Vibrator and PC display module. It is developed based on asking several deaf people about how they feel the tempo and dance with music. After feedback received from them, we developed an initial system. A formal user study, accelerometer analysis and video record are used in evaluation after experiment. Currently, we have an experiment on 35 subjects. The result of their subjective method (formal questionnaire) got 4~5 points; on the other hand, the analysis of objective method (video record graded by people) was that Vibrator help subjects for improving dancing with the tempo. Thus, we use subjective and objective method for evaluation, we all obtained positive feedback from them.

主题分类 電機資訊學院 > 電信工程學研究所
工程學 > 電機工程
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