


Enhancing Mobile and Wearable I/O using Motion and Touch Sensing






觸控 ; 動作 ; 行動式裝置 ; 穿戴式裝置 ; 輸入方式 ; 虛擬實境 ; 觸覺回饋 ; 力回饋 ; touch ; motion ; mobile device ; wearable device ; input modality ; virtual reality ; haptic feedback ; force feedback














Mobile and wearable devices are widely used nowadays. Novel interactions are proposed and enabled on these devices to provide users with more convenient and advanced lives. However, several problems and restrictions exist on mobile and wearable devices as well due to limited input modality, area and pose. We focus on dexterous hand input and output by leveraging motion and touch sensing to propose innovative interactions and solve the problems and limitations in this dissertation. Using motion sensing, MotionWatch provides one-handed input on smartwatches to eliminate the input pose limitation and ElasticVR presents force feedback in virtual reality (VR). Using touch sensing, MovingScreen solves hard-to-reach problem caused by limited input pose and area, and TouchRing provides private and subtle multi-touch input to increase input modality. Combining motion and touch input, ThumbRing provides sufficient input area using a wearable device and SegTouch enriches touch gestures on smartphones. In this dissertation, we explore innovative interactions using motion and touch sensing on mobile and wearable devices.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
電機資訊學院 > 資訊工程學系
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