


A Study of Perceived Price, Perceived Quality and User Satisfaction related to Repurchase Intention – The ASUS Smart Phone as Example






智慧型手機 ; 知覺價格 ; 使用滿意度 ; 知覺品質 ; 再購意願 ; Smartphone ; Perceived Price ; Use Satisfaction ; Perceived Quality ; Repurchase Intention












2015年智慧型手機已進入「量平價跌」的成熟期,造就平價手機已成為全球新寵兒,華碩近二年在智慧型手機方面已建立「低價高性價比」的企業形象,但在台灣銷售量仍未達滿意的銷售成績,在全球更是未擠進前十名,如何讓智慧型手機在國內及國際上發光發熱已成為華碩所面臨的最大挑戰。本研究採用問卷調查法蒐集有效問卷256份,透過價格、滿意度及品質等構面,以使用過華碩智慧型手機的台灣消費者為對象,採用PLS進行資料分析,探討其台灣消費者再購買華碩智慧型手機的意願。 研究結果顯示,華碩智慧型手機消費者普遍認為價格、使用滿意度及品質都是消費者願意再購買的原因,其中以知覺品質是消費者願意再購買華碩智慧型手機的主要構面,而知覺品質又以「介面簡單易懂」、「軟體種類多」及「提供快修服務」等是消費者購買的主要原因,「系統穩定性低」是消費者對華碩智慧型手機普遍觀感,未來華碩在產品面應注重品質,高的知覺品質會影響顧客滿意度,進而影響顧客忠誠度及再購意願,在價格面應訂定價格策略來開拓更多元化的通路,最後華碩也須針對女性消費者推出相關新機種及軟體,這樣才能使企業經營上更加長遠。


In 2015, the smartphone entered the mature stage of “stable volume and falling price”, which resulted in the affordable phone becoming the new star globally. Asus has built the corporate image of “low price and high cost-effectiveness” in the field of smartphone in recent years. However, its sales volume in Taiwan still fails to achieve the satisfactory sales performance, and it is still out of the global list of Top Ten. How to make the smartphone shining home and abroad becomes the greatest challenge faced by Asus. The study adopts questionnaire survey to collect 256 valid copies in total. From the dimensions of price, satisfaction and quality, it takes the Taiwan consumers who have ever used Asus smartphone as the subjects, to conduct data analysis with PLS. It aims to explore intention of consumers in Taiwan to re-purchase Asus smartphone. The study results show the users of Asus smartphone generally think the prices, usage satisfaction and quality are all the reasons for the consumer to re-purchase. Wherein, the perceived quality is the major dimension for the consumers to re-purchase Asus smartphone, under which “easy-to-understand interface”, “a variety of software applications” and “provision of quick repair service” are the major reasons for purchase. They generally agree on “low system stability” of Asus smartphone. In the future, Asus should focus on improving quality. High perceived quality will affect the customer satisfaction and further influence the customer loyalty and re-purchase intention. In terms of price, it should make price strategy to expand more diversified channels. Finally, Asus should also develop relate new models and software applications for females exclusively, which will help to achieve sustainable corporate operation.

主题分类 商管學院 > 資訊管理學系碩士在職專班
社會科學 > 管理學
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