


The Study of Cloud Computing Implements on a Health Management Recommendation Mechanism






本體論 ; 雲端運算 ; 推薦機制 ; 健康管理 ; 健康檢驗 ; Ontology ; Cloud computing ; Recommendation menchanism ; Health management ; Physical examination












近年來,人們開始重視個人的身體健康狀況,行動裝置也以驚人的成長速度席捲全球。因此,許多健康管理相關服務也不斷推出,但是大部分醫療類健康管理服務都集中於健身、飲食和生活方式等,並沒有一個健康管理服務提供可以針對個人的身體健康狀況提出個人化健康建議。 本研究將設計及實作一個人化的健康建議推薦系統,使用本體論之觀念來發展雲端伺服器和健康建議推薦,目標為結合混和式推薦系統的技術、雲端運算及Android平台來建置檢驗伺服器、推薦伺服器及健康管理服務介面,並以亞健康族群為主要服務對象,讓使用者只需要透過健康管理服務即可得知身體健康狀況及個人化的健康建議。


In recent years, people pay attention to personal health and the growth of mobile devices at an alarming rate throughout the world. So, there are many health management service published to the market. But most health management service are focus on fitness, lifestyle and diet so on, and none health management service can provide personalized health recommendations based on the personal physical health status. This thesis is designed and implemented a personalized recommendation system based on a cloud computing architecture. We used an ontology-based to develop cloud server service and health recommendations. The recommender system is based on a hybrid filtering technology and operated cloud computing algorithm, Android operating system and the Java programming language set up in terms of examining server, recommended server and Android user interface in order to provide service for sub-health group. Thus, users can easily to know personal health status and received health recommendations by proposed health management recommendation system.

主题分类 商管學院 > 管理科學學系企業經營碩士在職專班
社會科學 > 管理學
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