
社會與經濟因素對於回收行為影響之分析— 以提升臺灣廢筆記型電腦回收率為例


An Investigation on Recycling Behavior through Social and Economic Factors ─ A Case of Promoting Recycling Rate of the Waste Notebooks of Taiwan






兩階層分散式規劃 ; 回收補貼費率 ; 廢筆記型電腦 ; 多元羅吉斯迴歸 ; 願受價格 ; KKT條件 ; 雙界二分選擇詢價法 ; 回收獎勵金 ; Bi-level decentralized programming ; Treatment fee ; Notebooks recycling ; Multiple logistic regression ; Willingness to accept ; Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions ; Double-bounded DC ; Recycling incentive












為提升資源回收意願,並降低環境汙染,行政院環保署於1998年成立資源回收基金管理委員會(以下簡稱基管會),藉由向製造商或進口商收取後續回收清除處理費用,並制定回收補貼費率,期望在回收獎勵金的制度下,提高民眾的回收意願。 長期以來廢筆記型電腦的回收率較低,本研究透過歷史文獻探討歸類出影響消費者回收意願的社會與經濟變數,並透過問卷方式詢問消費者對於廢筆記型電腦的願受補貼價格(Willingness to Accept)及其他因素,藉以建構影響回收行為因素的多元羅吉斯迴歸模型(Multiple Logistic Regression Model)。另為使回收處理業者購入新設備以提升其處理技術,且考慮到基管會和回收處理業者具有階層關係之衝突目標,因此本研究嘗試以兩階層分散式規劃模型(Bi-level Decentralized ProgrammingModel) 並輔以差別補貼費率,以期對廠商及消費者激勵以解決當前問題。另用KKT條件法(Karush-Kuhn-Tucker Conditions)及0-1變數轉換(0-1 variable transformation) 以求取兩階層規劃之最適解。 研究結果發現,較高的回收獎勵金可提升消費者的回收意願,且在差別補貼費率的條件下,回收率較單一回收補貼費率提高。考量社會與經濟變數後,廢筆記型電腦的回收率較現行狀況大幅提升。因此,在利潤提升的情況下,回收處理業者會願意購買新設備,除提升回收技術外,也可取得較高的回收補貼費率,並可提供較高的回收獎勵金於消費者。在社會及經濟變數中發現,當消費者年齡越高,其回收意願相對降低,但收入越高的消費者,其回收意願相對提高。經由參數分析結果可以發現,本建議模型考量社經變數與差別費率,較現行回收率提升效果明顯,將可提供基管會未來重新規劃回收體系之參考。


To promoting the recycling rate, reduce environmental pollution, the Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan, R.O.C, set up the Recycling Fund Management Board (RFMB) in 1998. After collecting recycling and treatment fees according to regulated rates from manufacturers and importers of wastes announced to be recycled, RFMB formulate the recycling treatment fee in hope of promoting the recycling rate with rewards system. The lower recycling rate with notebook in a long time, this study try to found the factors of consumer recycling willingness in social and economic variables by historical documents. This study try to build a Multiple Logistic Regression Model with affect recycling behavior by use questionnaire to ask consumer willingness to accept and another factors for notebook recycling. To make the recycling plant buy the new machine to upgrade the technology and consider the RFMB and recycling plant have different level and conflicting objectives. Therefore, this study uses Bi-level decentralized programming model with differential subsidy to solve the problem. And used the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker Conditions and 0-1 variable transformation to determine an optimal solution. The results of this study indicate that the higher incentive can upgrade the recycling desire, and different subsidy will better than single subsidy. Thus, the recycling rate and recycling plant’s profit will promote. So, with reasonable profit, the recycling plant will buy the new machine to upgrade the technology and have the higher subsidy. And then, they can give the better incentive to the consumers. The consumer who have low desire to recycling with high age, and who have high recycling desire with higher income by the results of social and economic factors. With investigating the parameter, the model build with social and economic factors and different subsidy can promoting the recycling rate, thus this study’s model can provide a direction for RFMB resetting subsidy in the fucture.

主题分类 商管學院 > 管理科學學系碩士班
社會科學 > 管理學
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