


The Impact of Telemarketer’s Sales Talk on Sales Performance - A Case Study of Company A






電話行銷 ; 客服中心 ; 教育訓練 ; 銷售話術 ; 銷售行為 ; Tele-marketing ; Call center ; Training ; Sales talk ; Sales behavior












電話行銷最早是1970年從美國開始發展,根據Datamonitor國際市場調查公司的資料顯示,截至2000年,在美國境內大約有69,500家電話行銷中心。美國直效行銷協會指出,在短短30年內,透過電話行銷所產生的營業額已突破8,000億美元。在台灣,每年有高達NTD1,000億的業績是來自於電話行銷。 電話行銷最重要的成功因素在於好的銷售技巧,如何在短短五分鐘內,激發顧客購買慾望,是成功締結訂單的關鍵因素。透過與客戶音檔的分析結果,建立與消費者溝通過程中,有效與限制的銷售話術詞典。同時,完善對員工的教育訓練辦法,提高電話行銷人員的銷售技巧,增進個人與團隊績效。


The telemarketing was first used extensively in the late 1970s for the outbound telemarketing by the U.S., as of 2000, there were approximately 69,500 in-house and third-party call centers in the U.S., according to Datamonitor, an international market research company。In a short span of 30 years, it developed into an industry with net worth of 800 billion USD, according to the Direct Marketing Association estimated. NENG BI, Yao (2013) pointed out that there is as much as 100 billion NTD worth of sale done by telemarketing each year. The first and most important factor to succeed is to have good sales skills. How to motivate the customer to make a purchase, to increase clients’ urge to purchase within the short five minutes is the key to success. In this study, this dissertation outlines the features of how to achieve goal-oriented tasks during the exploration phase of the sales-customer interaction by a good sales talk. From the results, we are going to use record assessment to analysis the effective and limitation of telemarketing between company A and consumers. In the same time, we are going to enhance the staff education and training program, in order to help enhance the communication and selling techniques of telemarketing personnel, to increase personal and team achievement.

主题分类 商管學院 > 管理科學學系企業經營碩士在職專班
社會科學 > 管理學
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