


The Effects of Major Client Losses on the Auditor's Client Portfolio and Audit Quality






客戶重要性 ; 客戶組合 ; 審計公費 ; 審計品質 ; Client Importance:Client Portfolio,Audit Fees,Audit Quality














This study aims to examine whether the auditors which lose an important client experience a reputation shock that leads to more client losses and audit quality improvement. Our sample consisted of public companies in Taiwan, we found the auditors which lose an important client that leads to more client losses for the next year. Additionally, the result shows that the auditors respond to client losses by lowering audit fees next year. In terms of audit quality, we also found some auditors manipulate earnings to meet client needs. In sum, the contagion effect in the same industry is most obvious. In addition, the auditors belong to Big 4 may mitigate the loss of clients, and they will not retain clients by lowering audit fees. The Big 4 auditors have significant downward revisions of earnings is found, shows that Big4 auditors become more conservative to maintain their audit quality and firms’ reputation. Furthermore, the auditor specialist is more susceptible to influence by clients, but not significant.

主题分类 商管學院 > 會計學系碩士班
社會科學 > 財金及會計學
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