


Investigation of the Relationships among City Brand Image,Involvement and Brand Responses- A case study of the Tamsui city.






城市品牌形象 ; 涉入程度 ; 品牌回應 ; Brand Image ; Involvement ; Brand Response












由於全球化蓬勃的發展增加了世界資本與人們的交流,使城市之間開始互相競爭與比較。城市品牌化是一種常見的競爭策略來行銷城市的歷史、城市的品質、生活方式、文化或工作機會,及長期累積下來的城市信譽及競爭力。城市的品牌形象塑造已是世界上各個著名城市不可或缺的發展策略及行銷目標,把城市當作品牌來行銷,不僅能使遊客更能具體化的產生品牌形象與品牌聯想,也能成功的吸引國際的注意力,進一步推動城市的觀光發展與行銷。 台灣的城市在近幾年當中舉辦了許多國際活動,如國際花卉博覽會、高雄世運會、宜蘭縣國際童玩藝術節,這些大型國際型活動的舉辦,成功把台灣的地方特色行銷到全世界。淡水擁有懷舊的東西方文化歷史古蹟及幽靜美麗的河海景觀意象著稱的城鎮,尤其老街文化歷史、地方節慶活動、在地特產小吃、自然生態景觀、河口夕陽景色等也是淡水觀光吸引力的主要因素。本研究將淡水城市品牌形象分為功能性、象徵性、經驗性形象探討與涉入程度、品牌回應之間的關係,並且在透過相關文獻回顧過後,加入城市個性、城市吸引力、城市美食、節慶活動歷史等外部變數做探討。 本研究共收集了480份有效樣本,利用PLS與SPSS進行分析。實證結果顯示,城市品牌形象、城市個性及涉入程度對遊客居民的整體品牌回應均有正向顯著影響。而涉入程度對品牌回應的連結,則達到部分中介效果,其中,節慶活動歷史及經驗性形象兩構面在涉入程度的影響下對品牌回應的整體效果有明顯提升。進一步探討不同的居住地區對品牌回應是否有差異,本研究結果指出,居住在淡水地區的居民明顯對品牌回應有較大幅度的提升,因此本研究推論,淡水地區觀光、經濟發展並不會因為遊客的湧入或城市店家樹立,而因此造成居民或遊客對整體的城市品牌回應而有所降低。


Cause of the development of globalization, the exchange of opinion with people in the world has led to the beginning of competition and comparison between cities. City branding is a common competitive strategy to market the city's history, city quality, lifestyle, culture or job opportunities, and long-term accumulated city reputation and competitiveness. The city's brand image is the world's famous cities in all the indispensable development strategies and marketing objectives, the city as a brand to marketing, not only make visitors more specific to the brand image and brand association, but also a successful attract international attention, and further promote the city's tourism development and marketing. Taiwan's cities have held a number of international events in recent years, such as the International Taipei Expo Park, the Kaohsiung World Games, International Children's Folklore & Folkgame Festival in Yilan, which has been organized to market all of Taiwan's local characteristics. The Tamsui city with Eastern and Western cultural and historical monuments and quiet beautiful rivers and the sea landscape image known as the town, especially the old street cultural history, local festivals, local specialty snacks, natural ecological landscape and sunset scenery is also sightseeing major factor in Tamsui. In this study, the brand image of Tamsui city is divided into functional, symbolic, empirical image and the relationship between the degree of involvement and brand response. After reviewing the relevant literature, we include city personality, city attraction, city’s cuisine, festivals and other external variables to do the discussion. In this study, 480 valid samples were collected and analyzed by PLS (partial least squares) and SPSS. The empirical results show that the city brand image,the individuality of the city and the degree of involvement have a significant positive impact on the overall brand response of the tourists. And the degree of involvement of the brand response , then to achieve part of the intermediary effect, which, festivals and historical experience of the two facets in the degree of involvement under the influence of the brand response to the overall effect has improved significantly. To further investigate the different residential areas of the brand response is different, the results of this study pointed out that residents living in Tamsui areas of the brand response to a more substantial increase, so the study concluded that city brand reponses.will not be reduced because of the influx of tourists or expand many city stores.

主题分类 商管學院 > 管理科學學系碩士班
社會科學 > 管理學
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