


A Study of the Selection of Third-Party Providers for Maintenance Service of Laptop






第三方維修服務 ; 評估準則 ; ANP ; Third-party maintenance service ; Analytic network process (ANP) ; Selection criteria












在筆記本電腦產業中,維修服務商遴選一直都是筆記本電腦品牌商的重要課題。透過一定的遴選準則,使潛在第三方維修服務商可以在未來達到筆記本電腦品牌商在商譽、維修技術及服務能力的要求。因此在進行第三方維修服務商遴選時,必須同時考慮多個指標及決定指標的權重,由於指標間具有相依及回饋的情形,因此權重的決定也較為複雜;此外,由於績效指標有互相影響的情形,指標間的關連度也是評估第三方維修服務商時必須考慮的問題。 本研究使用專家訪談及分析網路程序法(Analytic Network Process, ANP)建構遴選潛在第三方維修服務商評估過程,以達到正確的第三方維修服務商遴選準則。在進行遴選時,利用分析網路程序法求出各指標的權重,量化指標並求得求得第三方維修服務商的最適評估準則。結果顯示本研究對最適準則排序符合業界現況,因此可供企業參考使用


In laptop industry, the selection of maintenance service providers has always been an important issue for laptop branders to ensure the candidate of third-party maintenance service provider follows the requirements of reputation, maintenance, and service. Thus, the laptop brander must consider multi-criteria and must determine the relative weights of the criteria for evaluating the candidate of third-party maintenance service provider. However, the weights of the selection criteria are hard to be determined since interdependence and feedback usually exist in the criteria. Additionally, the selection criteria affect each other and the direct and indirect effects among criteria are also a crucial problem. This paper proposes a jointed framework, which is consisted of expert interviews and analytic network process (ANP), to provide required criteria for evaluating candidates of third-party maintenance service provider. In this framework, we determine the optimal selection criterion for selecting third-party maintenance service provider. The analysis results indicate the optimal selection criteria fulfill the current industry for decision-making of laptop branders.

主题分类 商管學院 > 企業管理學系碩士在職專班
社會科學 > 管理學
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