


The Interference Factors on Teaching Outcome Assessment: A Case of General Education Courses in An University of Taiwan






教學評鑑 ; 學生評鑑教學 ; 通識課程 ; Teaching Assessment ; Student Ratings ; General Education Courses












教學對於學校是重中之重的大事,各大學為瞭解教師的課堂授課情形,均訂有問卷調查機制以得知學生們對課程的直觀感受。教學成效評鑑得分的高低不只反應教師教學品質的好壞,同時涉及影響的因素很多。通識教育乃大專校院普遍開授並逐漸受到重視之課程,本研究以班級為單位,藉由分析個案大學104-2學期學生評鑑通識課程教師教學的結果,以釐清哪些背景變項影響了教學成效評鑑。 研究結果顯示,教師性別、教師職級、科目學術領域、學生課堂投入程度等,皆會顯著影響教學評鑑得分,其中又以科目學術領域為左右評鑑值高低最重要的影響因素。就教師性別而言,女性教師的教學評鑑值顯著高於男性教師;就教師職級而言助理教授評鑑值則高於教授;以科目領域別做區分「物質科學」領域的教學評鑑值顯著低於「文學與藝術」、「歷史思維」、「生命科學」等領域;就該班級學生的出缺席情形、學生每週研讀課程時間、學生課程成績及全班不及格人數比例,則呈現學生對課程花費越多精力,或學習成就越高,則班級的教學評鑑得分越高。 本研究假設之背景變項對教學成效評鑑得分的聯合預測力達42.2%。因教師教學的複雜性及各門科目的差異性,確實會影響到此種學生本位的問卷評鑑機制,故教師、學生及校方行政人員藉評鑑值斷定教師的教學成效時,應同時瞭解其分數背後被哪些因素所影響,避免數字上誤用的可能性,對於評鑑值的後續應用及解釋能更加全面,以進一步達到提昇教學成效的目的。


The purpose of this study is to understand the interference factors on teaching outcome assessment which was given by the college students. The university has applied the on-line questionnaire survey system to understand the perceptions of students toward teaching outcome which can help to reflect the teaching quality. According to literature, the result of teaching outcome assessment can be influenced by many factors. And, it’s the common trend that general education courses are becoming more and more important and popular in university. This study aimed to clarify background variables which can affect the teaching outcome assessment through analyzing the student assessment data collected in the second semester of 2016. The assessment results indicated that female teachers got higher scores than male teachers. The assessment scores toward the assistant professor are higher than the full professors. And, the teaching outcome assessment in the field of "Materials Science" is significantly lower than that of Literature and Arts, Historical Thinking, Life Sciences and other fields. The research shows that the attendance rate of student, the weekly studying time, grades and ratio of failed will also affect the score of the teaching outcome assessment. When the student study harder and then with higher grades, the scores of teaching outcome assessment are also higher. This regression result indicated that the background variable can predict 42.2% for teaching outcome assessment. Because the complexity of teaching and the differences of subjects will affect the questionnaire system of the student. However, teachers, students and school administrators should be aware of what factors behind the scores when they evaluate the value of teachers through the teaching outcome assessment. In order to achieve the purpose of improving the effectiveness of teaching should be avoid misusing the scores of teaching outcome assessment, and interpretation of the evaluation value can be more comprehensive.

主题分类 商管學院 > 公共行政學系公共政策碩士在職專班
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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