


An EEG Study on the Color Design Preference of Electronic Form by End Users






腦波 ; 情緒前額不對稱性 ; 色彩偏好 ; 電子表單 ; EEG ; affective frontal asymmetry ; color preference ; electronic forms














The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of electronic forms designed with different color combinations on the brainwaves of users. By manipulating four types of color combinations (warm, cool, neutral and achromatic) form image stimulus, we can better understand the user's color preference on brainwave articulation, perception differences, and emotion changes. This study employs experimental research method. The result shows that subject’s brainwave was influenced by the color preference factors, and the perception level of left and right brain was asymmetrical under the stimulation of the electronic form designed by different color combinations. The research also reveals gender difference in the perception level of brain waves with respect to color preference. By analyzing subjects’ color preference of the electronic form, this research contends that male subjects preferred cool and neutral color electronic form and female subjects favored neutral color electronic form. Finally, when stimulated by electronic form images, the subjects' psychological and behavioral changes in the choice of color preference and corresponded brainwave activation were significantly different. The result indicates that when the subjects chose not to like the electronic form images, the amplitude of the brain wave potential was larger than chose to like. Therefore, it can be deduced that color design of electronic forms is one of the factors that affect user preferences. And it can be provided as a reference for information designers in the development and design of electronic forms.

主题分类 商管學院 > 資訊管理學系碩士在職專班
社會科學 > 管理學
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