


Antecedents of Continuance Usage of Mobile Shopping Applications






行動商務應用程式 ; 促銷活動 ; 新潮趨勢 ; 聰明購物感受 ; 衝動性購買 ; 持續意圖 ; Mobile app ; Promotion ; New trend ; Smart shopper feeling ; Impulsive buying ; Continuance intention














Recently, consumers have more choices of shopping channels, such as using mobile devices because of its ubiquity. Mobile shopping has become the main shopping channel. With this trend, users can download more exclusive brand APPs which allow direct access to product information and shop through them. Therefore, this study aims to understand the experience of smart consumption from the mobile APP perspective. This study proposes promotion, and new trend as two antecedents of consumer smart shopping feeling from the mobile APP. The study proposes a positive impact of smart shopper feeling on consumers’ impulsive buying , which then influences consumers’ continuance intention to use mobile shopping APPs. Implications for theory and practice are also included in this study.

主题分类 商管學院 > 會計學系碩士班
社會科學 > 財金及會計學
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