


Effects of Different Reading Platforms on Reading Comprehension and Cognitive Load in Reading Text-Only and Image-Text Content






閱讀載具 ; 閱讀理解力 ; 認知負荷 ; reading platforms ; reading comprehension ; cognitive load












「知識的起源來自於閱讀」,加上科技的快速發展使得數位閱讀成為一種趨勢。本研究目的在瞭解不同閱讀載具搭配不同閱讀內容形式進行閱讀學習,對於國小學童在閱讀理解力及認知負荷等面向的影響。本研究在過去研究文獻作為基礎下,採用準實驗研究法,以台中市國小五年級60 名學童作為研究對象,並使用閱讀理解測驗與認知負荷量表作為研究工具,探討在智慧型手機、平板電腦及桌上型電腦三種不同閱讀載具下,分別搭配純文字及圖文混合兩種不同閱讀內容形式之文章進行閱讀學習時,對於學習者閱讀理解力及認知負荷的影響。本研究結論如下: 一、學習者進行數位閱讀學習時的閱讀理解力會受到閱讀載具和閱讀內容形式影響,為有效提升學習成效,以純文字搭配平板電腦優於搭配手機與桌上型電腦;圖文混合文章則較適合搭配桌上型電腦。 二、學習者進行數位閱讀學習時的認知負荷不會受到閱讀載具與閱讀內容形式影響。 三、不同閱讀載具搭配特定的閱讀內容形式,性別因素會造成學習者的閱讀理解力與認知負荷差異。女生不論是利用手機、平板電腦搭配純文字內容,或是利用桌上型電腦搭配圖文混合內容進行閱讀,其閱讀理解力皆高於男生,而認知負荷則低於男生。 四、利用數位閱讀載具進行閱讀學習時,平時學業表現較佳學習者的閱讀理解力較高,且願意付出較多努力去理解學習內容。 因此,不同學習者可透過不同的數位閱讀載具挑選使用最為合適的閱讀內容形式進行閱讀學習。未來研究也能基於本研究結果,進行相關應用或進行更為深入的研究。


"The origin of all knowledge comes from reading," and the rapid development of technology has made digital reading a trend. The purpose of this study is to understand the effects of different reading vehicles on reading comprehension, reading comprehension, cognitive load and so on.In this study, based on the past research literature, this study used quasi-experimental method to study 60 students in fifth grade in Taichung City, and used reading comprehension test and cognitive load scale as research tools, Tablet PC and desktop computer under the three different reading vehicle, respectively, with pure text and graphics mixed with two different forms of reading content of the article to read the learning, the learners' reading comprehension and cognitive impact. The conclusions are as follows: First, the number of students to read the reading comprehension will be affected by the content of reading vehicles and reading the content of the form, in order to effectively enhance the learning outcomes, with plain text with a Tablet PC is better than with mobile phones and desktop computers; More suitable with a desktop computer. Second, the cognitive load of the learners during the digital reading study will not be affected by the reading vehicle and reading content Third, different reading vehicles with a specific form of reading content, gender factors will result in the learners' reading comprehension and cognitive load differences. Girls regardless of the use of mobile phones, Tablet PC with pure text content, or use of desktop computers with graphic content to read, the reading comprehension are higher than boys, and cognitive load is lower than boys. Fourth, the use of digital reading vehicle for reading learning, usually better academic performance Learner's reading comprehension is higher, and willing to pay more effort to understand the learning content. Therefore, different learners can use different digital reading vehicles to select the most appropriate form of reading content for reading. Future research can be based on the results of this study, the relevant application or more in-depth study.

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