


Examining the Influence of Emotional Intelligence on Customer Loyalty-The Mediating Role of Customer-Oriented Behavior






情緒智商 ; 顧客導向行為 ; 顧客忠誠度 ; 理財專員 ; emotional intelligence ; customer-oriented behavior ; customer loyalty ; financial consultants














Facing the increasingly fierce competition of the financial market, management of financial institutions has to help financial consultants make use of their own emotional intelligence to deal with the various customer needs so as to enhance customer loyalty. Integrating the emotional contagion theory with the appraisal theory of emotions, this study developed and examined the effects of emotional intelligence on customer-oriented behavior and customer loyalty as well as the mediating effect of customer-oriented behavior between emotional intelligence and customer loyalty. Data was collected from 133 financial consultants in charge of wealth management and their 571customers in Taiwanese banks and analyzed using hierarchical regression. The results show that emotional intelligence had positive influence on financial consultants’ customer-oriented behavior and customer loyalty, and customer-oriented behavior had positive effects on customer loyalty toward financial consultants. In addition, emotional intelligence had effects on customer loyalty through customer-oriented behavior. Based on the findings, both theoretical and practical implications are discussed.

主题分类 商管學院 > 企業管理學系碩士在職專班
社會科學 > 管理學
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