


The Effects of Watching a Video Featuring Connected Speech Instruction on Taiwanese College Students: A Case Study






影片教學 ; 英語口說能力 ; 英語連音 ; video instruction ; speaking competence ; connected speech














In the field of language teaching, technology has been of great help in assisting language learners in their acquisition of a new language. Video instruction is believed to be one of the more effective ways to improve English learners’ language competence. Over the years, the difficulties in improving Taiwanese English learners’ speaking ability have been a major concern. Since Taiwan is in an EFL milieu with limited exposure to English, it is much more difficult to acquire adequate speaking competence compared to those in an ESL milieu or those whose mother tongue shares a similar language system with English. The fundamental step in improving language learners’ speaking competence is to acquire the knowledge of connected speech, with which improvement in fluent speech is thereby expected. Consequently, the researcher conducted this study with the aim of improving Taiwanese college freshmen’s speaking ability in connected speech with the aid of videos and seeking answers and solutions that help them develop better English speaking proficiency. A total of 48 students from a college in northern Taiwan participated in this study, which lasted for seven weeks. The results showed that watching a video featuring connected speech instruction is an effective way to improve language learners’ connected speech skills. Positive results were also observed in the outcomes of questionnaires surveying participants’ learning attitudes. It is hoped that the study results may offer language teachers some insights into the practice of video-aided language learning in language classes, particularly its efficacy for connected speech.

主题分类 人文學 > 外國文學
外國語文學院 > 英文學系碩士班
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