


The effects of enterprise hunger marketing strategy on customer purchase intention and WOM






飢餓行銷 ; MOA ; 涉入程度 ; 認知價值 ; 購買意願 ; 口碑 ; Hunger Marketing ; MOA ; Involvement ; Epistemic value ; Purchase Intention ; WOM












企業在發行商品前,都會想要以什麼樣的策略來吸引消費者購買,限量發售就是其中一個方法。因此本研究以飢餓行銷為主題,探討Jordon鞋跟馬爾地夫旅遊兩個不同類型的稀有品來做比較,並且研究人們對商品所做的行為如何。過去的研究鮮少以上面的比較來做研究。本研究為探討飢餓行銷、動機、機會、能力、涉入程度、新奇價值、購買意願與口碑之間的關係,以及財務因素是否對本研究模型具有干擾的效果。 本研究根據Jordon鞋-有形商品以及馬爾地夫旅遊-無形商品作為研究標的。透過紙本問卷以及網路問卷的發放,回收有效樣本共計975份,研究對象為對以上兩個研究主題有點涉入以及了解的人,以AMOS統計軟體進行信、效度檢定 ,並以驗證性因素分析及結構方程式進行模型的假設檢定。研究結果如下,第一、飢餓行銷對動機、機會以及能力具有正向影響;第二、動機、機會以及能力對涉入程度具有正向影響;第三、涉入程度對新奇價值具有正向影響;第四、新奇價值對購買意願以及口碑具有正向影響;第五、財務因素的高低對本研究模型具有干擾效果;最後,本研究以有形和無形的稀有品來做比較,來為後續研究者提供更多不同的研究方向以及結果。


Before selling products, firms need to adopt marketing strategy to attract consumers’ purchase, and scarcity is one of the marketing ways. Therefore, this study uses the theme of hunger marketing as the research issue. This study investigates the relationships between hunger marketing, MOA (motivation, pportunity, and ability), involvement, epistemic value, purchase intention and word of mouth (WOM). Limited tangible goods of Jordon shoes and intangible service of Maldives tourism are two different types of limited products adopted in this study to test the moderate effect. In addition, we also test the moderate effect of financial factor. Through offline paper and online questionnaires, a total of 975 samples are collected. AMOS software is used to analyzed Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), the construct reliability and validation, and Structural equation model(SEM).The research findings are as following. First, hunger marketing positively affects movtiation, opportunity and ability. Second, opportunity and ability are positively correlated with and involvement; however, movtiation has not.Third, involvement positively affects epistemic value. Fourth, epistemic value positively affects purchase intention and word of mouth (WOM). Fifth, the level of financial factor doesn’t have the moderate effect in this research. Finally, the study finds product category has some moderate effects on the relationships between the varibles in this study model.

主题分类 商管學院 > 管理科學學系碩士班
社會科學 > 管理學
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