


A Study of User Participation for the User Satisfaction of e-Workflow System






使用者參與 ; 電子化工作流程 ; 資訊系統成功模式 ; User Participation ; Electronic Workflow ; Information Systems Success Model












本研究從使用者參與及資訊系統成功模式二個領域進行文獻探討,以DeLone and McLean(2003)資訊系統成功模式為基礎,整合使用者參與的概念,對個案進行深入訪談,期望能找出電子化工作流程系統使用和滿意度瓶頸之原因及改善建議。 目前在實證研究上較缺乏使用者參與對於電子化工作流程系統使用之影響。本研究採用實證問卷調查法,樣本取自158位曾使用過電子化工作流程系統的企業員工,以偏最小平方(Partial Least Squares,PLS)進行假說檢定之研究。研究結果顯示(1)使用者參與對於電子化工作流程系統之系統品質、資訊品質、服務品質有顯著正向影響;(2)電子化工作流程系統之系統品質、資訊品質、服務品質及使用對使用者滿意度有顯著正向影響;(3)電子化工作流程系統之資訊品質對使用有顯著正向影響。 深入訪談後發現,個案系統發展瓶頸,源於(1)公司未有標準化作業流程;(2)把不適當的流程當正常流程;(3)現有流程電子化,未做適時流程改善。為解決此瓶頸,本研究建議需求訪談時應就不合理的流程予以刪除,改用新的方式進行,在時程有限的情形下,做正確的決策就更顯重要。期望本研究結果將有助於企業推動電子化工作流程系統,並作為提升工作效率的參考依據。


This research practices the literature review in two areas: user participation and information system success model. By integrating the concept of user participation and adopting in-depth interview for the study case based on the model proposed by DeLone and McLean(2003), it aims to identify the causes and propose the recommendations for the bottlenecks of usability and user satisfaction of electronic workflow system. At present, there is a lack of empirical research corresponding to the impact of user participation on the electronic workflow system. The research adopts the empirical questionnaire survey method for the samples, the 158 employees who have operated the system, and processes the hypothesis testing with the partial least squares (PLS). The research results indicate that (1) the impact of user participation on the system quality, information quality, and service quality of the system is significant and positive, (2) the impacts of the system quality, information quality, service quality, and usability of the system on the user satisfaction are significant and positive, and (3) the impact of information quality of the system on the usability is significant and positive. After the in-depth interviews, the bottleneck of system development for the study case is caused by (1) there is no standardized operating procedure in the study case, (2) improper processes are applied to normal procedures, and (3) there is no appropriate improvement for the digitization of existing procedures. In order to resolve the bottleneck, the research recommends that the study case should apply appropriate procedures instead of unreasonable ones during the stage of needs assessment. Therefore, it is more important to make right decision within limited duration. The research results are expected to provide benefits for enterprises to promote the electronic workflow system, and the recommendations are proposed for their reference to enhance working efficiency.

主题分类 商管學院 > 資訊管理學系碩士在職專班
社會科學 > 管理學
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