


A Study on Customer’s Preferences and Quality Attributes of Service Items about the SmartStore in the Pet Store






智慧商店 ; 寵物商店 ; 消費者偏好 ; 科技族群 ; 二維品質 ; SmartStore ; Pet Store ; Customer’s Preferences ; Technology Groups ; Two-dimension Quality Element












隨著少子化、老年化、人際關係疏離與情感關係重整等因素影響下,國人飼養寵物的風潮已成為趨勢,使得飼養寵物的人數與寵物相關開銷費用皆呈現高度的成長。但根據調查報告顯示,寵物商店的數量目前在國內逐漸趨於飽和且競爭逐漸激烈。因此,該如何穩固既有顧客之忠誠度並獲取更多的客源,是目前各家寵物商店所急於追求的答案。而能夠藉由資通訊科技建構創新互動的購買過程,以提供消費者嶄新消費體驗環境的「智慧商店」也許正是提升各家寵物商店業者市占率的一帖良方。 然而智慧商店所提供的服務項目相當多元,從能幫助企業與消費者進行決策分析的決策支援系統、推薦代理人系統,能提升購物效率的自助結帳系統、商品引導系統,以及各式各樣與消費者進行互動的服務項目,其涵蓋範圍相當廣泛,且在寵物產業中,鮮少能找到智慧商店之運用。寵物商店業者若是有意導入智慧商店時,由於無前例所尋,要找到合適的服務項目進行導入,實為重要議題。 有鑑於此本研究透過標竿企業的實務應用,並與專家學者進行訪談,提出十五項可能應用於寵物智慧商店之服務項目做為研究主軸,並探討各服務項目之「消費者偏好」與「二維品質屬性」,進而利用「科技族群」等因子探討不同消費者屬性是否會對消費者偏好產生差異。旨在幫助寵物業者在進行智慧商店服務設計時,能夠依據消費者之偏好與服務品質屬性,設計出符合消費者所期望的智慧商店。並且還能依據各門市之消費者組成屬性,挑選合適的門市進行優先導入。 其結果顯示,寵物智慧商店服務項目可依照偏好分成高度偏好項目、中度偏好項目、低度偏好項目三個類別。而不同的「科技族群」、「平均月收入」、「寵物飼養經驗」對於寵物智慧商店服務項目之偏好具有顯著影響。且消費者對於服務項目之偏好排名與品質屬性有所關聯。總結來看,本研究所列舉的十五項服務項目中,「走失寵物暫時安置服務」、「即時影像觀看服務」、「商品資訊查詢服務」為消費者最為重視的,且這三項服務項目在二維品質歸類中,均為若不具備可能導致消費者不滿意的「一維品質」。因此本研究建議寵物商店在未來不論導入智慧商店與否,都應將此三項服務項目列為優先考量的項目,也期望未來智慧商店能在寵物產業中有更多的應用。


The trend of having pets is becoming popular due to factors such as decline in fertility rate, aging population, and detached human relationships. the growing consumer demand for pet keeping is not reflected from the already saturated and increasingly competitive market for pet stores. Thus, pet stores are trying to come up with a solution that could solidify their consumer’s loyalty and expand their consumer base. Using SmartStore systems to create an innovative shopping interaction and environment perhaps are the right solution to tackle this problem. SmartStores offer a high variety of service items, from decision support systems that could help consumers and businesses analyze their decision, recommendation agent systems, self checkout systems that can increase the consuming efficiency, products navigation systems, to various others highly interactive systems. Unfortunately, the provision of diverse service items of SmartStores is rare to be seen in the pet stores businesses. So, finding an exemplar of SmartStore's service item which can adopt for pet stores is a remarkable issue to study. Examining many much SmartStore’s cases and consulting the experts of SmartStores, we proposed fifteen service items for this study, which we also used to study “Customer’s Preferences” and “Two-dimension Quality Element”. “Technology groups” was also applied to find different customers' traits regarding whether they change the preferences or not. The result has shown that the service items of SmartStores in the Pet Store are able to categorize based on the popularity by customer’s preferences to three groups: high, average and low popularity. And different factors like technology group, average monthly income, and experiences in handling pets come to play a significant role in differentiating the customer’s preferences. Moreover, consumer’s preference of the service items is related to quality elements. From the customer’s preferences in the current research , the top three categories of the service items are “The pet’s lost and found”, “Real time monitoring service”, and “Products support service”. And theses three service items are the “One-dimensional Quality”. If pet stores don’t have these service items, customers' satisfaction will reduce. We recommend that pet stores provide these service items even if they don’t provide the SmartStore.

主题分类 商管學院 > 企業管理學系碩士班
社會科學 > 管理學
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