


Five Senses: Applying Analytic Network Process to Customer Experience






感官體驗 ; 分析網路程序法 ; 消費體驗 ; Sensory Experiences ; Analytic Network Process ; Consumer Experience












台灣外食人口不斷的在增加,根據2014年行政院衛生福利部及生活者資料庫調查顯示,一天在外食用至少一餐的人口比例占總調查人數的62%,外食人口比例的上升帶動著對餐飲業的需求擴大,造成台灣餐飲市場規模的快速成長。而現今社會裡,主打消費者為主的服務型態,除了產品的創新以及改善外,如何提高服務的品質以及提升消費者的體驗,成為了從眾多競爭對手中脫穎而出的關鍵。   人類利用五種感官的體驗,去建構對新事物最初的印象,因此善加利用人類的五感打造出良好的體驗環境,能夠讓消費者對餐廳留下更為深刻的印象,因此本研究目的為(1)透過專家意見運用分析網路程序法找出五種感官之權重,並透過五種感官的權重去探討並且了解感官對於消費者在餐廳之消費者體驗的影響性(2)透過專家問卷與消費者問卷之結果比較,探討專家看法與消費者認知之差異。   本研究從五感體驗的部分切入,探討五種感官在餐廳中各自的重要性,也分析餐廳業者與消費者的觀點是否相同。研究結果發現對於餐廳來說味覺與嗅覺為較重要之感官,聽覺則為最不重要之感官,而透過分析網路程序法中對各感官相依關係的探討可以了解味覺在餐廳中的體驗會對其他感官的體驗有最大的影響力。而研究結果也顯示餐廳業者與一般消費者在五感的刺激因素所看重的地方也會因外在因素的影響而有所不同,在相同的環境下,專家與消費者可能會因為專業背景與專業程度的不同產生認知上的差異,而在專業背景與專業程度相同的情境下,也可能會因為每個人不同的生活背景、人格特色等等的個人特性產生不同的偏好。而消費者的年齡層以及願意在餐廳所消費之金額的不同,在五感體驗上也會有不同的感受。本研究透過分析網路程序法挑選出餐廳五感體驗之關鍵因素,並提供餐廳未來在打造消費體驗上的一個準則。


According to the survey of Ministry of Health and Welfare (Taiwan) in 2014, people who eat outside at least one meal per day accounts for 62 percent of the total population. The increment of the proportion of outside dining has driven the demand of Food and Beverage industry. Today, consumer-oriented service is the trend of service companies in addition to product innovation and improvement. Therefore, the question of how to improve the quality of services and enhance the consumer experience has become the key to stand out among competitors. Human beings use five sensory experiences to construct the initial impressions of new things. Hence, making good use of the five senses to create a better experience environment may let consumers have positive impressions of the restaurants. Consequently, the purposes of this research are (1) finding out the weights of five senses by using the Analytic Network Process through experts and understand the impact of five senses on consumers’ experience in restaurants. (2) comparing the results from experts and consumers to explore the differences.   The results show that taste and smell are the most important senses for restaurants and hearing is the least important sense. We also discover taste in the restaurant has the greatest influence compared to other sensory experience. The results show that the five-sense experience of employees in the restaurant industry and consumers will be affected by external factors. Experts and consumers may have cognitive differences due to professional backgrounds and degrees of professionalism. Even the same professional background and professional degree, it may also be different from each person's life background and personal characteristics to produce a variety of preferences. In addition, different age and willingness to pay of consumers in the restaurant may have different feelings of five sense of experience. In summary, this research uses Analytic Network Process to select the major elements of the sensory experiences of restaurants and provides a guideline to create better consumer experience.

主题分类 商管學院 > 企業管理學系碩士班
社會科學 > 管理學
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