


The Use of EEG to Explore College Students’ Cognitive Differences between Likert Scales and Semantic Differential Scales






李克特量表 ; 語意差異量表 ; 腦電圖 ; 事件相關電位 ; P300 ; Likert Scale ; Semantic Differential Scale ; EEG ; ERPs ; P300












近年來,隨著資訊科技的發展,腦神經科學研究工具也逐漸進步,在認知神經科學領域的相關研究也藉由先進的腦波儀器進行實驗,以更精確地瞭解人們在認知、決策等大腦的心智運作狀態變化。在資訊系統(IS)領域中,有許多比較李克特量表和語意差異量表的研究,但其中鮮少有以認知神經科學的觀點進行量表差異之相關研究,因此本研究將以認知神經科學為出發點,探討不同學科背景(文、理)的大學生,於填答李克特量表和語意差異量表時的認知歷程,以了解受測者受到量表刺激時腦波有何差異。   本研究使用實驗法,受測者為四十名大學生(文組20人、理組20人),並使用腦波儀蒐集受測者填答量表時的腦波訊號,再藉由腦電圖(EEG)進行事件相關電位分析,以腦波成份P300來說明其認知差異。本研究結果發現:一、受測者於填答兩種量表時的腦波確實存在顯著的差異,且李克特量表之P300振幅均大於語意差異量表;二、當文、理組受測者於填答李克特量表時,腦部受到的反應及刺激較不易看出其有所差異;三、文、理組受測者於填答語意差異量表時的腦波確實存在差異,且文組受測者腦部所受到的刺激及反應較理組受測者大。本研究結果,可做為日後量表及腦波相關研究之參考。


With the advance of science and technology, the tools for research in cognitive neuroscience has made a great progress recently. The field of cognitive neuroscience has been utilizing advanced brainwave devices to better understand the changes in the mental functioning of the brain in cognition, emotion, and decision-making, etc. In the field of information systems, there are studies comparing the Likert scale with the Semantic Differential Scale, but few studies explore them from the perspective of cognitive neuroscience by using physiological measurement tools. Thus, the purpose of this study is to explore the cognitive differences in filling in the Likert scale and semantic differential scale by college students.   This study is based on an experimental method involving forty college students, 20 students in engineering and 20 students in liberal art. An electroencephalograph is used for brainwave signal collection when the subjects are filling the scale. Then the event-related potential component, P300 is used for statistical analysis. The results of this study show that students’ brain waves are different when they fill in the two scales, and the P300 for Likert scale is higher than that of semantic differential scale. The results also reveal that there are no significant differences between the two groups of subjects in filling in the Likert scale. However, both groups in filling in the semantic differential scale show significant differences, and the liberal art students exhibit higher P300 than those of engineering students, which may indicate that higher cognitive efforts needed in the interpretation of words. The results of this study can be used as a reference for future scale and brain wave related research.

主题分类 商管學院 > 資訊管理學系碩士班
社會科學 > 管理學
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