In the era of information explosion, information and software technology has been changing so fast. With only 24 hours a day, what a salesman desperate for is just a little more time. Then, how to classify the clients effectively while servicing them properly and creating the maximum productivity in a limited time?
With case study, this research analyze the sales (including the sales of packaged software, professional service, etc)of an information and software company (department in charge of commercial software application in public institutions) from 2013~2015. Based with the sales data collected by the author during these three years, the research analyzed the attributes and the gross profit segmentation of public institution clients. With cross analysis on different services, the research suggests that for important clients with different contributions, differentiated services shall be provided, and the focus shall be put on these important clients to promote productivity.
This research has found that, the revenue identified by the author mainly comes from seven clients, who contribute 80% of the sales. That meets the 80/20 rule. In addition, customer service and sales performance mutually influence each other. Strategies as below shall be effective in promoting gross profit:
1. Public institutions contribute more gross profit, further client classification (separating public institutions and administrative organizations) shall be conducted, and public institutions shall be treated as the key clients
2. Suggest the clients adopt the following procurement methods as possible as they can, to simplify the procurement process and choose the contractor of better service quality.
(1) Procurement based with computer software co-supply contract (organized by Industrial Development Bureau, MOEA)
(2) Selective Tendering
3. Provide customers after-sales services (includes: Education and training, installation services, technical consulting), arrange supervisor’s visit regularly, and maintain good customer relationships.
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