This paper explores the determinants of ETF tracking error. Our sample comprises of 19 Taiwan ETFs during 2013 July to 2016 December. We use the regression analysis to perform empirical research. Empirical results indicates that total expense ratio, liquidity of ETF by trade volume, volatility of ETF, ETFcash holding ratio and net change of ETF creation/redemption, are positively related with ETF tracking error and dividends by ETF, dividends by ETF portfolio and investor sentiment by indirect method are negatively related with ETF tracking error. Otherwise, there are non-linear related between ETF tracking error with above factors. Empirical of non-linear results indicates that total expense ratio, volatility of ETF and net change of ETF creation/redemption are positively related with ETF tracking error, and liquidity of ETF by trade volume, dividends by ETF, dividends by ETF portfolio and investor sentiment by direct method. We also found that investor sentiment which measured by direct method would increase the impact of ETF tracking error with the liquidity of ETF and the adjustment of ETF portfolio. In the other hand, it would decrease the impact of ETF tracking error with the index replicated strategy of ETF.We also found that investor sentiment which measured by indirect method would increase the impact of ETF tracking error with the index replicated strategy of ETF. In the other hand, it would decrease the impact of ETF tracking error with the net change of ETF creation/redemption.
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