


A Preliminary Study on the Operation Mode of Cultural Industry Compound Shopping Center and Consumption Practice - A Case Study of Jimo Ancient City in Shandong Province, China






文化創意產業 ; 文創產品 ; 複合商場 ; 文創消費實踐 ; Cultural and creative industries ; text a product ; compound shopping malls ; cultural consumption practice












隨著中國大陸經濟的高速成長與大中華經濟圈的成形,中華文化已逐漸成為全球關注焦點。 同時,伴隨著經濟的高度成長下,中國大陸的人均所得於2016年也已突破至8,000美元以上。相對應於市場上的消費機制及內需產業的成長上,特別是 隨著國民生活水準的提高和旅遊行業高歌猛進式的發展,旅遊消費已走向大衆,成爲居民常態化的休閒生活選擇。 另一方面,過去同質化、粗放式和單一式的旅遊産品模式早已難以滿足當今消費者的口味。再配合互聯網的廣泛運用,及面對境外旅遊的逐步開放,中國內地旅遊景點面臨的挑戰也在加劇。因此,如何提高旅遊産品的競争力,主題化、品牌化的創新運營策略便顯得非常重要。 故針對本研究之關聯探討,擬以山東省即墨古城之國家4A級景區,所擬建構之文化創意園區,如何以更深層的複合式產業架構,同時結合互聯網平台,並融入相關的文化創意素材,以抓住消費者的目光,並運用行銷活動輔助加強品牌認知及消費實踐,進而創建一穩定獲利之運營模式。


With the rapid growth of China's economy and the formation of the Greater China Economic Circle, Chinese culture has gradually become the focus of global attention. At the same time, along with the high economic growth, the per capita income of mainland China in 2016 has also exceeded to more than 8,000 US dollars. Corresponding to the market consumption mechanism and the growth of domestic demand industry, especially with the improvement of national standard of living and tourism industry triumphant development, tourism consumption has become the public, as residents of the normal choice of leisure life. On the other hand, the past homogenization, extensive and single-style tourism product model has long been difficult to meet the tastes of today's consumers. Coupled with the extensive use of the Internet, and the gradual opening of the face of foreign tourism, China's tourism attractions are facing challenges. Therefore, how to improve the competitiveness of tourism products, the theme of the brand's innovative operation strategy is very important. Therefore, for the study of the relevance of the study, to be in Shandong Province Jimo ancient city of 4A level scenic area, the proposed cultural and creative park, how to a deeper compound industrial structure, combined with the Internet platform, and into the relevant cultural and creative material , To seize the eyes of consumers, and the use of marketing activities to help strengthen brand awareness and consumer practices, and then create a stable profit operation model.

主题分类 商管學院 > 國際行銷碩士在職專班
社會科學 > 管理學
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