


An Examination of Online Advertising Effectiveness: A Neuropsychological Investigation






網路廣告效果 ; 聯覺 ; EEG ; 愉悅度 ; 激發度 ; 廣告態度 ; 口碑 ; 購買意圖 ; Online advertising effectiveness ; Synesthesia ; EEG ; Pleasure ; Arousal ; Attitude toward advertising ; Purchase intention ; Word-of mouth












多感官行銷(multisensory marketing)在社會科學、神經科學以及行銷學文獻中已被視為能夠增強廣告效果之方法。過去研究大多著重在視覺與聽覺的廣告設計效果,鮮少探討網路廣告亦能帶給消費者嗅覺與味覺之影響。因此,為了探討視覺與聽覺感官刺激所產生出對廣告產品的嗅覺與味覺之聯覺影響,本研究發展出網路廣告的設計元素:理性�感性訴求(視覺)與快�慢節奏(聽覺)。透過EEG(electroencephalogram)腦波圖觀察消費者嗅覺�味覺之誘發情形,進而探討不同網路情境廣告對於消費者情緒、廣告態度與行為意圖之影響。本研究採取事件相關電位(event-related potentials)之準實驗法,共蒐集166個有效樣本以驗證本研究模型。根據EEG(electroencephalogram)腦波圖與SEM(Structural Equation Modeling)結構方程模型之分析結果說明,在理性情境廣告中能夠誘發消費者的嗅覺感官,並使消費者情緒愉悅度與激發度對於廣告態度具有正向顯著之影響;在感性情境廣告中能夠同時誘發消費者的嗅覺與味覺感官,並使消費者情緒愉悅度對於廣告態度具有正向顯著之影響;而理性與感性之情境廣告皆能夠使消費者的廣告態度對於口碑與購買意圖具有正向顯著之影響。本研究透過網路廣告設計與聯覺認知神經機制之了解,提供廣告設計商與行銷者針對不同的客群與產品來擬定更完善的廣告策略。


Multisensory marketing has been seen as an approach improving advertising effect in the social science, neuroscience, and marketing literatures. For examining visual/audio synesthesia, the effect of smelling (olfactory) and tasting (gustatory) an online product, this study first developed design elements of digital video advertising: rational/emotional appeals (visual) and fast/slow tempo (audio). Moreover, it strived to investigate empirically the effects of various online advertisement contexts on consumer emotion, attitude toward advertising, and behavioral intention. We used event-related potentials (ERPs) in a scenario-based laboratory experiments. Data collected from 166 customers provide strong support for the research model. Through EEG (Electroencephalogram) and SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) analyses, in rational advertisings, consumers’ olfactory was triggered and both arousal and pleasure of the emotions affected the attitudes; in emotional advertisings, not only olfactory but gustatory were triggered and only pleasure affected the attitudes. By understanding online advertising design and neurocognitive mechanisms of synesthesia, the insights from the findings can benefit designers and marketers in implementing more effective marketing strategies.

主题分类 商管學院 > 資訊管理學系碩士班
社會科學 > 管理學
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