
工作要求對工作倦怠與學習倦怠之影響-探討職學衝突之中介效果與 回復自我效能之調節效果


The Influence of Job Demand on Job Burnout and School Burnout-Exploring the Mediating Effect of Work-School Conflict and the Moderating Effect of Recovery Self-Efficacy






工作要求 ; 職學衝突 ; 工作倦怠 ; 學習倦怠 ; 回復自我效能 ; Job Demand ; Work-School Conflict ; Job Burnout ; School Burnout ; Recovery Self-Efficacy












隨著台灣地區高等教育盛行及教育機構廣設,越來越多員工利用閒暇時間回到校園,學習工作上相關技能,以及追求職涯發展。然而這些成人學習者經常遇到職學領域扮演多重角色所產生的職學衝突,而且職學衝突已被發現會造成學習中輟或降低工作績效等負面結果。教育部的統計更進一步指出,工作因素是成人學習者休學或中輟的主要因子。為此,本研究整合工作-資源模式與資源保存理論,探討工作要求對工作倦怠與學習倦怠之影響,並探討職學衝突之中介效果與回復自我效能之調節效果。 針對目前正在台灣地區就讀研究所在職專班學生進行橫斷面資料調查,最後有效樣本為454份,經層級迴歸分析結果顯示,工作要求對職學衝突、工作倦怠、學習倦怠具顯著正向關係,職學衝突對工作倦怠、學習倦怠亦具顯著正向關係,同時職學衝突對工作要求與工作倦怠、學習倦怠影響具部分中介效果,而回復自我效能對工作要求與職學衝突正向關係未具調節效果。針對上述結果,本研究提出理論意涵與管理建議。


Along with the prevalence of higher education and the increasing number of educational institutions in Taiwan, more and more and employees have spent their leisure time coming back to school for learning so as to improve their job-related skills and pursue for career development. However, these adult learners are often encountered with work-school conflicts resulting from the combined multiple roles played in the fields of workplace and school, and work-school conflicts have been found related to negative consequences, such as dropping from school and exacerbating job performance. The statistics from Ministry of Education further indicates that job demands are the main factor predicting these adult learners’ suspension or dropping out from school. As such, this current study integrates the job demand-resources (JD-R) model with conservation of resource (COR) theory to examine the influence of job demands on job burnout and school burnout as well as investigate the mediating role of work-school conflicts between job demands and burnout. In addition, this study attempts to explore the moderating role of recovery self-efficacy in the relationship between job demands and wok-school conflicts. A cross-sectional survey of working employees enrolled in the courses of Master degree at the universities of Taiwan was undertaken. The final sample consisted of 454 adult learners. Results of the hierarchical regression analysis reveals that job demands had significant positive relationships with work-school conflicts, job burnout, and school burnout. Work-school conflicts were also positively related to job burnout and school burnout. Furthermore, work-school conflicts were found to partially mediate the relationship between job demands and job burnout as well as school burnout. However, recovery self-efficacy did not moderate the positive relationship between job demands and work-school conflicts. Based on these findings, both theoretical and practical implications are discussed.

主题分类 商管學院 > 企業管理學系碩士在職專班
社會科學 > 管理學
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