


A Study on the Effectiveness of Curriculum Tracking and Industry-University Collaboration: The Case of Graduate Institute of Accounting in Tamkang University






課程分流 ; 產學合作 ; 會計師事務所 ; 實習課程 ; 學用合一 ; Curriculum tracking ; Industry-university collaboration ; Accounting firm ; Internship course ; Knowledge-action integration














This paper explores the effectiveness of curriculum tracking and industry-university collaboration in graduate institute of accounting in Tamkang University. Through conducting questionnaire, we take the accountants and the teachers as the interviewees to analyze four structural segments: the curriculum planning and design, teacher teaching achievement, internship course and career planning counseling. According to the statistical results, we found that the “internship course” got the highest degree of satisfaction, showing that the long-term internship program with the cooperation of the industry effectively helps students to understand the current situation of the workplace; however, the “curriculum planning and design” got the lowest the degree of satisfaction, illustrating that that it is necessary to consider the needs of the students when arranging the curriculum. Empirical results indicate the “teacher teaching achievement” and the “internship course” to “career planning counseling” has a significant positive impact. In addition, the study interviewed the accounting firm and professors, obtained the view from graduate institute of accounting between curriculum tracking and industry-university collaboration in Tamkang University. The results of this analysis can be a reference on knowledge-action integration for accounting firm and professors in future development and study.

主题分类 商管學院 > 會計學系碩士班
社會科學 > 財金及會計學
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