
顧客不文明行為對工作倦怠之影響 以幽默感為干擾效果


The Influence of Dysfunctional Customer Behavior on Job Burnout:Exploring the Mediating Role of Sense of Humor






顧客不文明行為 ; 工作倦怠 ; 幽默感 ; 第一線銷售人員 ; dysfunctional customer behavior ; job burnout ; sense of humor ; frontline employees














With the economic system getting matured in Taiwan, the proportion of service sector is getting higher and higher. Based on the policy of "the customer is always right" as the modern Enterprise Reference Model, to avoid losing business, the problem of dysfunctional customer behavior has been neglected deliberately. In stead of considering from employees’ point of view, most of existing research into the service encounters between employees and customers are analyzed from the perspectives of customers, which result in job burnout of the frontline employees. Thus, this study developed and examined the effect of dysfunctional customer behavior on frontline employees’ job burnout, as well as the mediating effect of sense of humor. Data was collected from 310 employees in Taiwanese banks, insurance industry, and car sales agent, and analyzed using hierarchical regression. The results show that dysfunctional customer behavior had positive influence on job burnout, and sense of humor had positive effects toward job burnout. In addition, using sense of humor as coping strategy toward dysfunctional customer behaviors had interference effects on the emotional exhaustion derived from job burnout. Based on the findings, both theoretical and practical implications are discussed.

主题分类 商管學院 > 企業管理學系碩士在職專班
社會科學 > 管理學
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