


Using Fuzzy Theory to Explore the Appropriateness of Customer-Oriented E-Service Cooperation






E化服務 ; 價值網絡 ; 層級分析 ; 模糊理論 ; 合作合適度 ; E-service ; Value network ; AHP ; Fuzzy theory ; The appropriate degree of cooperation












本研究以E化服務中的入口網站為研究標的,探討企業參考消費者角度,評估E化服務中入口網站的合作合適度。研究架構可分為三部分,首先利用Allee的價值網絡圖,呈現出透過合作所提供的服務傳遞給消費者的價值,藉此瞭解消費者需求;接著透過語意差量表,調查調查消費者對那些價值得重視程度與滿意度;最後利用層級分析法計算各價值的權重,再透過模糊理論計算各價值滿意度,以探討合作合適度。 本研究以Yahoo!線上字典與Yahoo!線上音樂平台兩個案做驗證。Yahoo!目前之合作對象為Dr. eye之線上字典,本研究亦選取Google字典為比較標的。研究結果顯示使用者認為對象Dr. eye並非最合適的,應與Google合作較佳,本研究推論原因在於原本使用Google為搜尋網站之人口較Yahoo!多,因此使用Google線上字典較多,故其可能為使用者認為Yahoo!與Google合作較為合適之原因。 而Yahoo!線上音樂平台之個案中,Yahoo!目前之合作對象為KKBOX,本研究加入目前另一知名線上音樂平台ezPeer+,讓使用者選取其認為Yahoo!線上音樂平台合適之合作對象。結果顯示,使用者認為KKBOX為最佳合作對象。雖然問卷填答者整體認為KKBOX為最佳合作對象,但若以性別分群,男女會有不同之意見,男生認為KKBOX為最佳合作對象,女生則是認為ezPeer+為最佳合作對象;以職業分群,學生與上班族亦有不同的意見,學生認為KKBOX為最佳合作對象,上班族則認為ezPeer+為最佳合作對象。可能原因為KKBOX常在網路上接觸到,而ezPeer+則是與電信業者合作,學生與男性較常在網路上自行尋找音樂平台,因此有較大機會接觸到KKBOX;上班族及女性通常會由網路以外的管道尋找音樂平台,因此接觸ezPeer+機會較大。由此可見,使用者對於Yahoo!線上音樂平台現行之合作對象是滿意的,但使用者對於KKBOX與ezPeer+兩者之歸屬程度差異並不大,因此Yahoo!應與KKBOX共同研究並持續改善服務,以提供更優質的服務給使用者。 本研究以模糊理論為基礎透過顧客之觀點,使E化服務企業能參考消費者角度評估合作合適度,主要貢獻有下列三點: 1. 透過價值網絡,使E化服務企業瞭解其所提供之服務,必須傳遞何種價值給消費者,並進一步滿足消費者需求。 2. 本研究所提供之模式能使E化服務企業能更有效的利用有限的資源。 3. 本研究所提之模式能夠使E化服務企業落實以顧客導向為基礎之概念。


Today, service industry has become the economic core of each country. Particularly, the concept of e-service extends the business model of electronic commerce. This research investigates the alliance of e-services from customer perspective. This research utilizes the concept of Allee (2000) to construct the value network of cooperation. This study takes into account customer assessment as the basis for e-service cooperation. This work uses Fuzzy theory to estimate the feasibility of alliance by collecting customer value perception. The goals of this research are (1) using value network to present the value among e-service providers and customers, (2) utilizing Fuzzy theory to determine the score and weight for e-service cooperation, and (3) exploring the appropriateness of customer oriented e-service cooperation. In this study, we use two cases for validation: Yahoo! and online dictionary and Yahoo! and online music platform. In the case of online dictionary, this study selected Google online dictionary to compare with current partner (Dr. eye) of Yahoo!. The results reveal the users consider Google online dictionary is superior to Dr eye for further cooperation. We inferred that certain people used Google more than Yahoo! as the default search engine which results in more usage of Google online dictionary. Hence, users consider Google online dictionary is more appropriate than Yahoo! for cooperation. In the case of online music platform, this study selected ezPeer+ to compare with current partner (KKBOX) of Yahoo!. The results reveal the users consider the existing partner (KKBOX) is superior. However, gender difference results in different results. For example, males preferred KKBOX and females preferred ezPeer+. In addition, students and workers have different opinions. Students preferred KKBOX and workers preferred ezPeer+. The present research infers that KKBOX frequently exposed to the Internet and ezPeer+ cooperates with telecommunication operators. Students and males find music platform themselves on the internet and have more chances to contact with KKBOX. Workers and females frequently inquire other people to find music platform which is a chance of exposure to ezPeer+. In summary, this research investigates the alliance of e-services from customer perspective by using value network and fuzzy theory. The major contributions are: 1. E-service companies recognize the value of e-services they provided From value network. 2. The E-service companies can utilize resources efficiently for cooperation. 3. E-service companies can take into account customer perspective to estimate the feasibilityof alliance.

主题分类 管理學院 > 企業管理學系碩士班
社會科學 > 管理學
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